How do I contact support for Relay Premium?

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay آخر تحديث: 10/31/2023 33% of users voted this helpful
لم يترجم أحد هذه المقالة بعد. إن كنت تعلم بطريقة عمل التوطين في ”دعم موزيلا“، فابدأ الترجمة الآن. إن أردت معرفة طريقة ترجمة مقالات ”دعم موزيلا“، فمن فضلك ابدأ من هنا.

If you can't find the answer to your question in the Firefox Relay support articles, please contact us directly:

  1. Visit the Firefox Relay support Knowledge base and click Get Support in the banner that appears at the bottom of the page.
  2. In the Firefox Relay Solutions page, click Contact Support in the banner to the right.
  3. You'll be prompted to sign in with your Mozilla account to be able to submit questions or contact support.
  4. Fill in the Contact Support form.
  5. Click Submit.

Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you forgot your Mozilla account password, learn how to reset your password.

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