Calendar invitations end up in the wrong calendar
I face an issue with calendar invitations. I have a bunch of calendars, all CalDAV, for different purposes. Now when I recieve an invite, to one of my email adresses, the invitation ends up in the wrong calendar.
There are some other questions related to this problem around, but they all seem to be solved by setting the correct E-mail adress in the calendar setting which does not work in my case. Infact I changed the email adress of the wrong calendar to "none" and another calendar is linked to the correct e-mail. I already resarted Thunderbird, to check if that makes a difference.
Further, I would in general like to have the option to switch invited appointments from one to another calendar sometimes. As said I use several different calendars an sometimes invites come in from one e-mail adress taht would fit better to a different calendar. Is there a way to do that? For what I see now there is now way to assign an invited appointment manually to a different calendar.
Thanks for your help,