Mobile Support - How to use the tool

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In order to provide support for Firefox users in Google Play Store, we’re using a third party tool called Conversocial/Verint. In this article, you will learn more about how to use Conversocial/Verint to handle a conversation on Mobile Support

How to use Conversocial


Conversocial - Queues menu Queues are like workspaces on Conversocial. By default, as a Mobile Support Contributor, you’ll be able to view the following queue:

Firefox for Android

Moderator only:

  • Firefox for Android - All: This is a queue for all unmoderated conversations from Firefox for Android.
  • Firefox for Android - Priority moderation: Contain Firefox for Android conversations with 1-2 star rating in English. This is also an unmoderated queue. This queue is created to make it easier for moderators to prioritize conversations to moderate.

All contributors:

  • Firefox for Android - Low rating: This is a queue for Firefox for Android conversations with 1-2 star rating in English that have been moderated.
  • Firefox for Android - High rating: This is a queue for Firefox for Android conversations with 3-5 star rating in English that have been moderated.

Firefox Focus for Android

Moderator only:

  • Firefox Focus - All: This is a queue for all unmoderated conversations from Firefox Focus for Android.

All contributors:

  • Firefox Focus - Priority: This is a queue for all Firefox Focus conversations that have been moderated.

Firefox Klar for Android

Moderator only:

  • Firefox Klar - All: This is a queue for all unmoderated conversations from Firefox Klar for Android.

All contributors:

  • Firefox Klar - Priority: This is a queue for all Firefox Focus conversations that have been moderated.

Escalation queue

All contributors:

  • Firefox Mobile - escalation queue: See the escalation section below to understand how you can use the escalation queue.

Filtering and Prioritization

Conversocial - Filtering menu Once you select your queue, you can also do further filtering and prioritization from the left-side panel. You can select based on tag, type, or channel. You can also filter based on keywords from the Search field in the top right corner.

Play Mode

Conversocial - Play button In order to see conversations, you need to click on the Play Mode button. Play Mode is like a working mode. Whenever you’re ready to reply, you click that button, and when you’re done, you need to click the stop button.

Important! Please click the stop button whenever you take a break or when you’re done replying because that will affect your handling time.

During play mode, you will see more options you can select to customize a conversation you’re currently handling. Conversocial - Play mode


You can set a reminder for yourself. This will come in handy when you want to remind yourself to work on the conversation later on.

Assign conversation

With this menu, you can assign a conversation to yourself, to others, or to another queue.

Sentiment tone

You can also select the sentiment of the conversation you’re handling to positive, neutral or negative with the 3 buttons provided.


Please see Mobile Support tagging guidelines to learn more about Conversocial tagging. But in general, as a regular contributor, you can expect that the conversation has been tagged appropriately by a moderator.


In Mobile Support, you don't need to hold anything since we won't be having back and forth conversation like in the forum or Twitter. When you're done replying to a review, you can directly close/solve the conversation.

Closing options

See this article to check what closing options available in Conversocial.

User’s tag

There’s also an option to put a tag/category for a user. We’re currently have 3 tags:

  • Community member: Tag for community member account.
  • Dev-fluencer: Tag for a reputable figure on the developer community.
  • Influencer: Tag for people who have a large sum of followers or a verified account.
  • Trouble maker: This is a tag for everyone who only create noises instead of seriously looking for help.
  • Troll account: This is a tag for troll Twitter accounts.

Reply field

Conversocial - Reply field When you click on the reply field, a few other menus will appear:

Internal Note

You can use this feature to communicate information that is visible to the other users on the tool.

Insert clipping

Conversocial - Clippings Clipping is basically saved replies or common responses. You can use these reply templates for recurring issues. Just make sure to add some personal touch to it so it wouldn't feel like coming from a bot.

Insert emoji

You can also add emoji in your reply. Just make sure not to go overboard!

Reply options

There are a few options you can use once you’ve typed your reply in the field:

  • Reply: Use this if you want the conversastion stay in the active queue.
  • Reply + Hold: Use this to move the conversation to the On Hold queue. They will be automatically moved back to the active queue if the user post a new reply. If not, they will be automatically closed after 3 days.
  • Reply + Close: Use this if you want to close the conversation. Clicking this button will prompt the closing options we mentioned before. (Recommended for Mobile Support)

Adding signature

You can set a default signature for your account by following these steps:

  • Go to the Account menu on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Click on My Signatures menu under the Personal Settings.
  • Click the green Save button.

Complete Mobile Support guidelines

Go back to the Mobile Support guidelines to continue learn about mobile support contribution.

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