Saving to Pocket on iOS

Pocket Pocket Vytvořeno: 08/23/2023 78% uživatelů považuje toto za užitečné
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Save content to Pocket from your web browser

To save an article to Pocket from your browser, follow these steps:

  1. Open the article you want to save.
  2. Click on the share button.
  3. Select Pocket from the list of apps. The link is now saved to your account.
Tip: You can move Pocket to the top of your Actions list to make it easier to find. Just tap Edit Actions at the bottom of the share menu, and then tap the green + button next to Save to Pocket.
Save to iOS

Access your saved articles

To access your saved articles in Pocket, simply open the app and tap on the Saves option located in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

Pocket iOS 4

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