Trouble activating or restoring your Pocket Premium subscription

Pocket Pocket Poslední aktualizace: 01/31/2024 12% uživatelů považuje toto za užitečné
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I just purchased a Pocket Premium subscription, but am getting an Activation Error

If you are seeing an “Activation Error” after subscribing to Pocket Premium, this means that your purchase was successful but Pocket had trouble activating your account.

Here’s how to complete your activation:

  1. Check to ensure that you are connected to the internet.
  2. Open Pocket, then tap Settings, and select Premium.

Next, if you see your subscription details, your account has been activated! If not, tap Restore Existing Subscription to try again.

If you continue to have trouble please email Pocket Support with your order or receipt number to Pocket Support and we will be able to help activate your account.

I am trying to restore my Pocket Premium subscription, but am getting an Activation Error

If you already have a Pocket Premium subscription but are unable to activate your device, this is caused by a temporary connection issue. Please check your connection and try again.

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