Firefox accounts renamed Mozilla accounts - What you need to know

Mozilla Account Mozilla Account Slědny raz zaktualizěrowany: 10/13/2023 65% wužywarjow jo měło to za wužytne
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Why the renaming?

Over the years, Firefox accounts expanded its role beyond being solely an authentication solution for Firefox Sync. It now serves as Mozilla's main authentication and account management service for a wide range of products and services, supporting millions of active account customers globally. As such, the original “Firefox” branding no longer accurately reflects the broad scope of Mozilla's offerings. The renaming is intended to create a more consistent brand experience across all Mozilla surfaces, driving higher awareness of the portfolio of Mozilla products.

Do I need to take any steps or create a new account?

No, there is no need to take any steps or create a new account. The renaming is essentially a change in the account's name and branding. You will continue to log in with the same email address and password and retain access to all your account data and subscriptions.

Is my sign-in information changing?

Your sign-in information, including your username and password, will remain the same. The renaming does not involve any changes to your credentials.

Are Mozilla account customers still able to sign in using Google or Apple sign-in?

Yes, Mozilla account customers still have the option to sign in using their Google or Apple credentials.

What happens to my data and settings during the renaming?

Your account data, settings, functionality, and subscriptions will be unaffected during the renaming process.

Why is the URL still even after the renaming to Mozilla accounts?

We've kept the URL unchanged, even after transitioning to Mozilla accounts, to ensure a smooth and familiar customer experience.

Why am I still receiving emails from if the service has been renamed to Mozilla accounts?

You will still receive emails from because we continue to use this email address for all communications related to your Mozilla account. This decision ensures consistency and helps you identify official correspondence from us.

Are there any updates to the terms of service or privacy policy?

No, there are no substantive changes to the terms of service or privacy policy as a direct result of the renaming.

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