Multiwindow support on iPad for Firefox

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Slědny raz zaktualizěrowany: 07/11/2024 40% wužywarjow jo měło to za wužytne
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With Firefox version 128, you can now enjoy multiwindow functionality on your iPad, allowing you to use multiple browser instances simultaneously. This feature allows you to browse, organize, and manage your tabs independently in each window. Whether you’re researching, shopping, or comparing information side-by-side, multiwindow support makes it easier and more efficient to handle multiple tasks without constantly switching between tabs.

iPad multiwindow overview

How to open multiple Firefox windows on iPad

  1. Open Firefox: Launch Firefox on your iPad.
  2. Access Menu:At the center top of the application window, tap the three-dot menu icon 3 dot menu .
  3. Add Another Window: From the dropdown menu, select Add Another Window.
iPad add another window menu

A new window will open, allowing you to use it simultaneously with the first window. This feature supports both standard and Private browsing modes in each window. You can resize and reposition the Firefox windows as needed.

Tips for using multiwindow

  • Sync tabs: Ensure you are signed in to Sync. Changes made in one window will be reflected across all windows.
  • Customize homepage: Settings like themes and homepage customizations apply to all windows. Adjust them in one window, and it will reflect in others.
  • Use private mode: At the top left of your Firefox window, tap IG privacy mode to switch to private mode.

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