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Connecting to https://mijnzakelijk.ing.nl/

Using Firefox 115.15.0esr (64-bits) on MacOS 14.3 (23D56) I'm not able to connect to https://mijnzakelijk.ing.nl/ while https://ing.nl/ connects just fine. These domains … (cytajśo wěcej)

Using Firefox 115.15.0esr (64-bits) on MacOS 14.3 (23D56) I'm not able to connect to https://mijnzakelijk.ing.nl/ while https://ing.nl/ connects just fine. These domains use different TLS versions, which may be related to the issue. The browser reports a failure to connect, and NS_ERROR_NET_INTERRUPT when viewing the networking tab. Tcpdump indicates the remote side disconnects by sending FIN on the tcp layer. I tried various config features to enable low TLS versions but that did not make a difference.

openssl s_client has no issue connecting, nor does Chrome, on the same system. For completeness here is the openssl transcript:

```` $ openssl s_client mijnzakelijk.ing.nl:443 Connecting to CONNECTED(00000006) depth=2 C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1 verify return:1 depth=1 C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1 verify return:1 depth=0 jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV, CN=mijnzakelijk.ing.nl verify return:1 --- Certificate chain

0 s:jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV, CN=mijnzakelijk.ing.nl
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Aug  7 11:27:00 2024 GMT; NotAfter: Sep  1 11:26:00 2025 GMT
1 s:C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Dec 12 16:56:15 2019 GMT; NotAfter: Dec 12 16:56:15 2029 GMT
2 s:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  i:C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
  a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 4096 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
  v:NotBefore: Jan 16 18:12:23 2014 GMT; NotAfter: Jan 16 18:12:23 2034 GMT

--- Server certificate


MIIHGDCCBgCgAwIBAgIQQAGRLJeiKhzmRghG5nIGzjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBy ... ZthnKEctI1FJ7MLeY6+zNvJ8+sjEj9P61M85h+MthSw2Pm1wBGzGB9ncSRQ=


subject=jurisdictionC=NL, businessCategory=Private Organization, serialNumber=33031431, C=NL, ST=Noord-Holland, L=Amsterdam, O=ING Bank NV, CN=mijnzakelijk.ing.nl issuer=C=US, O=IdenTrust, OU=HydrantID Trusted Certificate Service, CN=HydrantID Server CA O1 --- No client certificate CA names sent Peer signing digest: SHA256 Peer signature type: RSA Server Temp Key: ECDH, prime256v1, 256 bits --- SSL handshake has read 5469 bytes and written 453 bytes Verification: OK --- New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 Server public key is 2048 bit Secure Renegotiation IS supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE No ALPN negotiated SSL-Session:

   Protocol  : TLSv1.2
   Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
   Session-ID: 9A30DC8B6EF5D0EE82F9ACB4D53D787D7B4BCAB27F5E54DDB906BEC5A6CDC887
   Master-Key: 04E64BF5ACC56AA2BB749AA3083DA0B498CCE36DB83A1BA78B19B9282F6B30362B8674D1F60D70594F21A08DC74006A5
   PSK identity: None
   PSK identity hint: None
   SRP username: None
   Start Time: 1726644699
   Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
   Verify return code: 0 (ok)
   Extended master secret: yes

--- GET / HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ... ````

I would like to keep using Firefox for all my browsing, so I'm wondering what I can do to fix this. In about:config I have all settings containing "tls" to their defaults. I've tried enabling security.tls.version.enable-deprecated and lowering security.tls.version.min, but nothing seems to help.

I know from experience that contacting ING about such issues doesn't get you anywhere, and given the fact that another major browser has no issue I suspect it is best solved (or worked around) on the side of Firefox.

Pšašany wót wužywarja mp19 pśed 1 dnjom

"Couldn't load XPCOM."

Greetings, After having been "On th' Net", for approx. 6 hours earlier today, with No Issues,......About an hour ago, (And No,.... I didn't recieve a Firefox Update tod… (cytajśo wěcej)


After having been "On th' Net", for approx. 6 hours earlier today, with No Issues,......About an hour ago, (And No,.... I didn't recieve a Firefox Update today, to the best of my knowledge, although today has been very chaotic & stressful),....I tried to open a PDF, of which I view on the Firefox Browser, & I got a "Couldn't load XPCOM."

I then "Right Clicked" the Firefox icon & tried to open Firefox as an Administrator, & I got the same message.

I then "Right Clicked" the Firefox icon, & sought the "Refresh Button", But there is none.

The "Installed Browser" for Windows 10, is how I've managed to get to this Forum, of which I do not trust.

My Email is via YAHOO/Frontier, & since I, for the moment, cannot access My email, of which, I'm thinking that to see any replies to this situation that I'm in, that I will have to use YAHOO, so as to access Frontier.

I've seen where situations like this have been occurring, & the most recent that I saw is this:

cor-el Moderator Top 10 Contributor 1/12/23, 1:08 AM more options An error message about XPCOM missing or about platform version usually happens because of a failed Firefox update that left you with a mixture of old and updated files in the Firefox program folder. This can happen in case security software was keeping a handle of some of the files in the Firefox program folder preventing Firefox from replacing all the files. You need to do a clean reinstall and remove the Firefox program folder to ensure that all files are replaced. You may have to disable security software temporarily in case the problem persists.

You can find the full installer of the current Firefox release (108.0.2) in all languages and all operating systems here:

https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/#product-desktop-release https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/108.0.2/releasenotes/

Will I be able to save All of My Favorites? I have several years of Favorites there & many of them are critically needed. I realize that the Add Ons/Themes/Settings will have to be re-installed/adjusted, but I'm good with that.

Again,... Keeping My Favorites is critical, & "If" they would be deleted, then is there any Possibility of Tech/Engineering accessing My Firefox Folder & saving them?


Pšašany wót wužywarja David DeBord pśed 1 dnjom

Microsoft Edge Appears to have taken over Firefox.

I noticed after a forced Microsoft Windows 10 update, AND whilst using CC Cleaner to clean out the cache, I was no longer prompted to close Firefox. I never opened Micro… (cytajśo wěcej)

I noticed after a forced Microsoft Windows 10 update, AND whilst using CC Cleaner to clean out the cache, I was no longer prompted to close Firefox. I never opened Microsoft Edge and was not asked to close it to complete the CC Cleaner process. I don't want Mircosoft Edge and I especially don't like the feeling that Firefox must use Edge to operate. What can I do to clear this up.

Pšašany wót wužywarja WOMANTIC pśed 1 dnjom

Google Calendar/Drive Error: "Couldn't preview file. There was a problem displaying this image."

When previewing an image that was uploaded to a Google Calendar Event, I get an error "Couldn't preview file. There was a problem displaying this image." I've spoken to G… (cytajśo wěcej)

When previewing an image that was uploaded to a Google Calendar Event, I get an error "Couldn't preview file. There was a problem displaying this image." I've spoken to Google support and they suggested I reach out as when I try in Chrome, it works. Firefox is my preferred browser so I would love if I didn't have to switch to Chrome.

Troubleshooting Done: - Verified Firefox is up to date (130.0 64 bit) - Cleared cache and cookies, closed browser, reopened - Tried in 'Troubleshoot Mode' - Ad Blocker turned off - Uploaded test .png and .jpeg to see if it was a file extension issue - Uploaded smaller versions of images to see if it was a size issue - No issues when doing same steps in Chrome browser

Pšašany wót wužywarja daylgreen pśed 2 dnjoma

Firefox start up

Cannot get into Firefox as of 3 hours ago. Error message see screenshot below. Hope you can help as Firefox is my default browser. Regards Graham Cotton … (cytajśo wěcej)

Cannot get into Firefox as of 3 hours ago. Error message see screenshot below. Hope you can help as Firefox is my default browser.


Graham Cotton

Pšašany wót wužywarja graham105 pśed 2 dnjoma


Good afternoon, In my extensions, I use Cozy Pass. But since weeks ago, Cozy Pass is in grey, not blue as usually. When I try to connect there is this message: " Une erre… (cytajśo wěcej)

Good afternoon, In my extensions, I use Cozy Pass. But since weeks ago, Cozy Pass is in grey, not blue as usually. When I try to connect there is this message: " Une erreur est survenue. NetworkErrorwhen attempting to fetchresource" Can you say me how to resolve this problem. Best regards Patrick

Pšašany wót wužywarja pa.mauri pśed 2 dnjoma

Firefox Opens in a Half Screen Window After Windows 10 Restart

Every time I have to restart the microsoft nightmare called windows 10, the 1st time I open Firefox it opens in a half screen window on the right side of my screen. It's … (cytajśo wěcej)

Every time I have to restart the microsoft nightmare called windows 10, the 1st time I open Firefox it opens in a half screen window on the right side of my screen. It's set to open maximized and run as administrator but still won't do so immediately after a restart. Is there a fix for this?

Pšašany wót wužywarja m2ndgmun pśed 2 dnjoma

Videos randomly swapping between HDR and SDR

Hey, I just recently started using Firefox, and I've started to notice some odd behavior. When watching videos and reels on Facebook (Desktop version), videos will flip-f… (cytajśo wěcej)

Hey, I just recently started using Firefox, and I've started to notice some odd behavior. When watching videos and reels on Facebook (Desktop version), videos will flip-flop between normal and really bright and washed-out. I'm currently on Firefox 130.0 on Windows 11, and I always have HDR on. The imagery is silly, but these two screenshots (using win-shift-s) are from the same video only seconds apart, and this happens on almost all of them. Not yet tested to see if it also happens on Youtube or Twitter videos.

Pšašany wót wužywarja piccolo113 pśed 2 dnjoma

Youtube lags when running minecraft.

Hello all, I recently made the change from chrome to firefox and have been loving it so far. The only issue is; when I have a youtube video open while playing minecraft, … (cytajśo wěcej)

Hello all, I recently made the change from chrome to firefox and have been loving it so far. The only issue is; when I have a youtube video open while playing minecraft, the video lags and the audio skips. It never buffers and I have a great fibre Ethernet connection. When I try on chrome it doesn't happen. Only on firefox.

Pšašany wót wužywarja maxzalinko pśed 2 dnjoma

Firefox not remembering last download location but only from one site

About a month ago, firefox stopped remembering a download location, it's only on one website though. I can download from anywhere but there and it remembers the location … (cytajśo wěcej)

About a month ago, firefox stopped remembering a download location, it's only on one website though. I can download from anywhere but there and it remembers the location but it won't from that site and that's where I download from the most.

Pšašany wót wužywarja ret2gowv pśed 2 dnjoma

Runaway Tab Creation

This was ALSO occurring BEFORE I switched to ESR, in both types of windows (Private & Standard): A click to open a website link results in Firefox doing a runaway,… (cytajśo wěcej)

This was ALSO occurring BEFORE I switched to ESR, in both types of windows (Private & Standard):

A click to open a website link results in Firefox doing a runaway, unstoppable, rapid opening of tab after tab after tab. The only way I have found to stop it is to close Firefox entirely, losing the tabs I was working with in addition to the runaway tab openings. Any solution?

Windows 11 Pro Firefox 128.2.0 ESR (also behaved in same way using standard release version, as well as ESR)

Pšašany wót wužywarja Anne pśed 3 dnjami

High Heap Memory Usage On Apple Silicon (M1)

The amount of memory firefox takes is drastically higher (2GB + tabs and extensions) on Apple Silicon when compared to having the same tabs open on windows or linux. Whe… (cytajśo wěcej)

The amount of memory firefox takes is drastically higher (2GB + tabs and extensions) on Apple Silicon when compared to having the same tabs open on windows or linux.

When I look into the memory tree generated at `about:memory`, it seems that the `heap` is allocated nearly 1.5GB.

I am just a computer science student at the moment but that seems unusual to me. Please find the attached memory-report.json.gz file here

Pšašany wót wužywarja raoanu2004 pśed 3 dnjami

Firefox windows browser lagging all websites while scrolling

I was enjoying using firefox. It has only been 2 days since installation after which it started lagging. It lags only while scrolling pdfs, youtube. All other animations … (cytajśo wěcej)

I was enjoying using firefox. It has only been 2 days since installation after which it started lagging. It lags only while scrolling pdfs, youtube. All other animations are working fine. Only problem is in scrolling it.

Pšašany wót wužywarja Udit Goel pśed 3 dnjami

Unable to open FireFox

I've been having an error message popping up that says that FireFox is already running in the background, like my account has been locked but none of the fixes, fixed the… (cytajśo wěcej)

I've been having an error message popping up that says that FireFox is already running in the background, like my account has been locked but none of the fixes, fixed the issues. I'm really appreciate any help you can give me. I've had to make this report from Microsoft Edge in the meantime. Hopefully this can be fixed because Firefox has always been my preferred browser.

Pšašany wót wužywarja Debased Mama pśed 3 dnjami

once you visit an https site, you can't using plain http

even if one sets "dom.security.https_first_pbm" to false, among other settings, you get an error among the lines of: An error occurred during a connection to EXAMPLE.COM:… (cytajśo wěcej)

even if one sets "dom.security.https_first_pbm" to false, among other settings, you get an error among the lines of: An error occurred during a connection to EXAMPLE.COM:5000. SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.


what? why is this still worrying about certs, when I clearly want to open up a non-ssl port, that's ridiculous, I gotta disable cache or delete it for this to go away at the least, I can't be using ssl on all the ports, that's an absolute pain

how do you get around this? how do you stop firefox from rewriting a http request to https?

Pšašany wót wužywarja teeigeryuh pśed 4 dnjami


RTX VSR still doesn't work at all. I have version 130 of firefox and no VSR. I've tried it on chrome and no issues there, it just works. I've always enjoyed using firefox… (cytajśo wěcej)

RTX VSR still doesn't work at all. I have version 130 of firefox and no VSR. I've tried it on chrome and no issues there, it just works. I've always enjoyed using firefox and it bugs me that apparently this feature was added in update 126. Moreover there is multiple threads giving advice on how to get it working, I've tried all the methods and even then still haven't been able to use VSR on firefox.

Pšašany wót wužywarja amadorhernandez690 pśed 4 dnjami

about:profiles - current profile name

for me, about:profiles currently shows my profile in use as: Profile: Joey This is the profile in use and it cannot be deleted. Default Profile yes Root Directory C:\Us… (cytajśo wěcej)

for me, about:profiles currently shows my profile in use as:

Profile: Joey This is the profile in use and it cannot be deleted. Default Profile yes Root Directory C:\Users\Joey\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7agyzsl4.Joey 10 Local Directory C:\Users\Joey\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7agyzsl4.Joey 10 1. why does it say "Profile: Joey" when the profile filename is "Joey 10"?

2. I want it to say "Profile: Joey 10", or for that value to MATCH the filename of the root or local directory.

    What do I need to do?

Pšašany wót wužywarja Joe P pśed 4 dnjami

firefox didnt like the drobox directory for downloads and now download wont work any more

I tried to download something from this website https://www.maxon.net/en/article/stamp-your-footage-onto-any-3d-solid?srsltid=AfmBOoqo9m0rrsDYUvZzXpyTs1uLPotn8tBr03C5c9iL… (cytajśo wěcej)

I tried to download something from this website https://www.maxon.net/en/article/stamp-your-footage-onto-any-3d-solid?srsltid=AfmBOoqo9m0rrsDYUvZzXpyTs1uLPotn8tBr03C5c9iLl7mydQIP3AVM and told Firefox to save it to my dropbox desktop app. Some weird warning popped up about the fire path being invalid or something like that. So now when I go back and tryto choose a different download location, it wont download at all. I definitely remember having this same exact issue months ago and don't remember the solution. please help

Pšašany wót wužywarja rachelcenter pśed 4 dnjami

Slědne wótegrono wót wužywarja rachelcenter pśed 4 dnjami