History of Contact support from my Mozilla VPN app

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Unreviewed   Mark Heijl minor edits
Current M Dayani Lucia G.F. Updated as per Bug 1900903
Approved M Dayani Lucia G.F. Removed speedtest
Approved M AliceWyman empty edit to mark RFL - see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/forums/contributors/716898?#post-87301
Approved   Mozinet minor edit (the article title needs to be decapitalized)
Unreviewed   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article; deleted wiki comment
Approved M Mark Heijl form title corrected
Unreviewed   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article
Unreviewed   Mozinet extra spaces & line, bold ⇒ italic
Approved MT Dayani Lucia G.F. This article explains how to contact support while logged into Mozilla VPN.

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