History of Turn on/off saved logins, login sync and login autofill in Firefox for Android

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Unreviewed   Blanca Colorado (Blan) actualizar
Reviewed M Blanca Colorado (Blan) actualizar
Reviewed M Blanca Colorado (Blan) actualizar
Current MT Michele Rodaro {menu Add login} -> {for m125}{menu Add password}
Approved MT Lucas Siebert Bug 1862738
Approved MT Lucas Siebert Bug 1862738
Approved   Mozinet corrections
Approved M Abby Android 93 release
Approved M Michele Rodaro (You may need to release using the unlock method configured on your device.)
Approved M Joni added option to edit/delete
Approved M Angela Lazar Update for Fenix
Approved M Joni added password sorting
Approved   Angela Lazar Added template
Unreviewed   Angela Lazar Added template
Approved   Joni extra apostrophe
Approved M Joni fixed anchor
Approved M Joni error
Approved M Joni fixed anchor
Approved M Joni fiixed anchor
Approved M Joni added autofill section
Approved MT Joni changed description
Unreviewed   Joni corrected for Fenix
Unreviewed   Lamont Gardenhire Added a new article

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