Setup defaults preferences for Adblock Plus data and patterns in prefs.js
I'd like to distribute Firefox with some pre-installed preferences (including Adblock Plus settings) in my organization.
Fallowing preferences setup via prefs.js don't work:
pref("extensions.adblockplus.data_directory", "\\\\" + getenv("USERDNSDOMAIN") + "\\App\\Firefox\\ESR\\adblockplus\\data\\") pref("extensions.adblockplus.patternsfile", "\\\\" + getenv("USERDNSDOMAIN") + "\\App\\Firefox\\ESR\\adblockplus\\patterns.ini");
Is Firefox allowing to use USERDNSDOMAIN or USERDOMAIN varibles in prefs.js? Is this syntax OK? Could someone help me to figure why it is not working?
All Replies (3)
All I can find is: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/d.../A_brief_guide_to_Mozilla_preferences#Preferences_files
This is the prepackager http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/release-repackager/ ?https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gpo-for-firefox/?
The original links are broken here https://wiki.mozilla.org/Deployment:Deploying_Firefox I do not know if they still work. The old bug was never finished https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267888
What is the error that you are receiving?
My problem has nothing to do with GPO, I did put my settings in CFG file.
As I describe in first post - I did set file and folder location for data and patterns of Adblock Plus in CFG file. AS long as I set absolute UNC path Adblock works fine, but as soon as I change path to use USERDOMAIN varible in path Adblock Plus can't find location of its files.
When I print USERDOMAIN varible in command line, it is displayed correctly. So I am almost sure it is something wrong with parsing config file by Firefox.
You can't use getenv in a prefs.js file, but you can use it in a mozilla.cfg auto-configuration file.