Customizing Firefox on MacOS using configuration profiles

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Date de création: 10/05/2019 5% des utilisateur·rice·s ont trouvé cela utile

This article is intended for IT administrators who wish to set up Firefox on the computers within their organization.

On MacOS, policy support is implemented using a properties list file or .plist file that can be configured to customize policies. You can then convert this file to a configuration profile in order to deploy it to your managed computers.

To customize Firefox on MacOS using configuration profiles:

  1. Download the MacOS package from
  2. Edit the file org.mozilla.firefox.plist per your desired customizations and save it.
  3. Convert org.mozilla.firefox.plist to a configuration profile.
    This can be done using mcxToProfile.

Alternatively, you can use Profile Creator to create your configuration profiles.

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