Lobbies and rooms in Hubs

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Once you create a room, or use a room invite you'll be placed in the room's lobby. The lobby allows you to preview the room and any users who might already be in the room. You will need to join the room to participate more. For additional information, see the Get started with Hubs by Mozilla article.

Share a room invite

The Invite button on the bottom left gives you the information you need to share with others for them to join you the room. You can share the Room Link, use the six digit numeric Room Code or use the Embed Code.

Receiving invites

If you're given a numeric code, simply visit https://hubs.mozilla.com/link and enter the code to join the room directly.


Click on the People button on the top right corner of the lobby to see the user list. This tells you how many users are present, their names, device types and whether they're in the room or still in the lobby.


Click the Chat button to view and communicate with users in the room from both the lobby and after you've entered the room.


Click Spectate to stay in a room's lobby. You will be able to see and hear what is going on in the room and participate in the chat, but other users cannot see or hear you.

Join a room

When you're ready to enter a room, click Join Room (if entering on a device, see below)you'll be asked to pick a Display Name and avatar. Then you may need to adjust your audio settings to set up and test your audio.

Enter on Device

If you want to visit a Hubs room on wireless headset or phone click Enter On Device device option to easily enter a room from your computer or phone using a smartphone-based VR headset like the Google Daydream View or standalone headset like the Oculus Go.

We recommend Mozilla Firefox for wired-in headsets (e.g., Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality, Vive). To use a desktop VR device with your headset, the Oculus app (Oculus Rift) or SteamVR (Windows Mixed Reality, Vive) must also be open.

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