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Log-in with a certificate is not possible

With Firefox 115.14.0esr, 115.2esr and 128.xesr we can`t log in into a company website with a certificate. After the certificate login we end up on the WebSeal again. Htt… (lire la suite)

With Firefox 115.14.0esr, 115.2esr and 128.xesr we can`t log in into a company website with a certificate. After the certificate login we end up on the WebSeal again. Http status 302 for pkmslogin.form and pkmscertpromptstagen is called ~12x repeatedly with 302 error each time and then jump back to the login screen.

Demandé par desislava.ivanova il y a 3 jours

Dernière réponse par desislava.ivanova il y a 2 jours