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Cannot find Setting to Allow REDIRECTING of a link page

On a particular webpage NCL cruises ( SHORE EXCURSIONS ) on a page where excursion items are listed . On the bottom of the page states this : 1-12 of 24. NEXT … (lire la suite)

On a particular webpage NCL cruises ( SHORE EXCURSIONS ) on a page where excursion items are listed . On the bottom of the page states this : 1-12 of 24. NEXT When you click NEXT it should now go to the next page showing 13-24...It does not This function works on Microsoft Edge & Google Chrome.....Cannot find any proper settings to accomplish this function. THxs On Microsoft Edge it was the Pop-Up / Redirect setting " Blocked " with NCL as the exception

Demandé par m berger il y a 1 heure

Sponsored Links

Probably an odd question. I dismissed a sponsored link accidentally on the new tab page that I do use, so I want to get it back as a sponsored link. If I'm going to the s… (lire la suite)

Probably an odd question. I dismissed a sponsored link accidentally on the new tab page that I do use, so I want to get it back as a sponsored link. If I'm going to the site anyway, firefox should get whatever cut it can. How do I restore a dismissed sponsored link? Thanks

Demandé par jasonina il y a 4 heures

Opening PDFs

I'm migrating a bunch of PDFs from an old Windows 8.a computer to a new Windows 11. I located a matrix under settings that offers some choice as to how FF was to handle d… (lire la suite)

I'm migrating a bunch of PDFs from an old Windows 8.a computer to a new Windows 11. I located a matrix under settings that offers some choice as to how FF was to handle downloaded PDFs. There are three options: Save, Open, Ask. I want to save only (Opening slows down the migration process). I selected Save in the drop down menu, but FF continue to Open. Can't continue until I solve this problem.


Demandé par admin908 il y a 6 heures

Appearance issues

My firefox browser is displaying webpages with a black background despite being set on light mode.

Demandé par Nick il y a 10 heures

allow certain cookies

I need to ensure a smooth experience on the website - Select the menu symbol. - done Select Settings. - done Select Privacy & Security. ? Choose on… (lire la suite)

I need to ensure a smooth experience on the website -

   Select the menu symbol. - done
   Select Settings. - done
   Select Privacy & Security. ?
   Choose one of the following options:
       Option 1: To allow cookies from all (third-party) websites, check Standard.
       Option 2: Scroll down. To allow cookies only from Pearson, select Manage Exceptions…
   If you chose Option 2, under Address of website, select the text box and enter the websites listed below, selecting Allow after each one:
   Select Save Changes.
   Click the X symbol to the right of the Settings tab to close it.
   Refresh the Pearson page to ensure that your browser will accept cookies.

Demandé par Powell.Lesley-Jane il y a 14 heures

Problem With Firefox Setup

I am currently using Microsoft Edge and am looking for a new browser to use. I went through the trouble twice now in setting up Firefox the way I want to work and for it … (lire la suite)

I am currently using Microsoft Edge and am looking for a new browser to use. I went through the trouble twice now in setting up Firefox the way I want to work and for it to open certain bookmarks every time I open it. But 2 times now I have closed Firefox and reopened it and each time it not only fails to open the bookmarks I have setup, it also loses the other settings I setup and acts like I am setting it up for the first time. If I can't get this problem fixed I guess I will start looking at other browsers.

Thanks, Mark

Demandé par mawaw il y a 2 jours

Dernière réponse par mawaw il y a 14 heures

Save Settings

I just had a suggestion regarding settings that you set. I would like to know if there is any feature being worked on to be able to save all your settings (or maybe even… (lire la suite)

I just had a suggestion regarding settings that you set. I would like to know if there is any feature being worked on to be able to save all your settings (or maybe even back up) to your login? or back them up to a file that can be imported later? or is there one that i'm missing? I have a custom toolbar and any time I log in to a different computer where I have to install firefox again...I would rather have an import function for all my settings/toolbars

Demandé par Tim Budoff, JR il y a 15 heures

ctrl+shift+o hotkey for bookmarks?

so i need that "ctrl+shift+o" hotkey for my amd adrenaline. i tried googling on how to turn off/change hotkeys for firefox but i couldnt find anything that helps me find … (lire la suite)

so i need that "ctrl+shift+o" hotkey for my amd adrenaline. i tried googling on how to turn off/change hotkeys for firefox but i couldnt find anything that helps me find this hotkey setting.

Demandé par STERBEN_BLADE il y a 1 semaine

Dernière réponse par STERBEN_BLADE il y a 17 heures

UserChrome CSS Hide Tabstoolbar when only one TAB Firefox 128.4.0esr

Hi All, Been trying to find a solution for over 2 days now! Please help me! Firefox 128.4.0esr I want to hide the following, because I need the screen space: 1/ Tabsto… (lire la suite)

Hi All,

Been trying to find a solution for over 2 days now! Please help me!

Firefox 128.4.0esr

I want to hide the following, because I need the screen space: 1/ Tabstoolbar = NOK 2/ Autohide main toolbars = OK 3/ Bring back the old status bar = OK

The last 2 are OK, but the first one doesn't seem to work? I think that there's something in the first script that prevents this from working, coz I have tried everything. Please help it's driving me nuts, never use tabs only windows, because on macOS that's better.

Here's what I have so far, all this is working just fine.

The very last line is disabled because this does what I want but it breaks the "auto hide" main toolbars.


/* Fake_Statusbar_W_Bookmarksbar_-_Creates A Statusbar At The Bottom Of The Window By Using Bookmarks Toolbar */

root:not([inFullscreen]) > body{
 --uc-statusbar-button-padding: 4px;
 --uc-browser-base-padding: calc(2 * var(--uc-statusbar-button-padding) + 7px + 2px);
 --uc-statusbar-text-vertical-position: 5px;


  1. PersonalToolbar .toolbarbutton-1{
 --toolbarbutton-inner-padding: var(--uc-statusbar-button-padding) !important;


root[uidensity="compact"]:not([inFullscreen]) > body{
 --uc-statusbar-text-vertical-position: 3px;


root:not([inFullscreen]) > body::after{
 content: "";
 display: flex;
 margin-bottom: calc(1px + var(--uc-browser-base-padding)) !important;
 order: 2; /* To make this really the bottom-most toolbar even with custom toolbar order */


  1. PersonalToolbar{
 position: fixed;
 display: flex;
 bottom: 0;
 width: 100vw;
 border-top: 1px solid var(--chrome-content-separator-color);


  1. personal-toolbar-empty + toolbarspring,
  2. PersonalToolbar > :first-child + toolbarspring{
 background-position: left var(--uc-statusbar-text-vertical-position);
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-image: -moz-element(#statuspanel);
 max-width: 50vw !important; /* Modify this to let the status bar grow larger than 50% of window width */
 min-width: 60ch;
 flex-grow: 10 !important;


  1. personal-toolbar-empty{ visibility: hidden; }
  2. PersonalToolbar .toolbarbutton-1{
 align-items: center !important;


  1. PersonalToolbar > toolbarspring{
 flex-grow: 1;
 max-width: none !important;
 min-height: var(--uc-browser-base-padding) !important; 


/* Using -moz-element() causes some problems after Firefox has been running several hours such as long tab switch times. For this reason the background image is removed on hover and focused states which appears to clear the state. */

  1. PersonalToolbar > toolbarspring:first-of-type:hover{ background-image: none }
  1. statuspanel{
 padding-top: 0 !important;
 text-shadow: none !important;


  1. statuspanel-label{
 min-width: 1000px;
 background-color: transparent !important;
 border: none !important;
 font-size: inherit;
 color: inherit !important;
 margin-inline: 0px !important;
 padding-inline: 0 !important;

} /* If you use a theme where urlbar is partially transparent you should edit this color to something that closely matches the perceived color of urlbar. Or perhaps use background-image - linear-gradient() can work well here. But keep the color or image opaque or otherwise you'll face an issue where urlbar text bleeds through */

  1. statuspanel-inner{ background-color: var(--toolbar-accent-color) }

/*#statuspanel-inner{ background-color: var(--toolbar-non-lwt-bgcolor) }*/

  1. statuspanel{
 color: lightpink; /* color used to indicate insecure http:// links */
 z-index: -1;
 visibility: visible !important;
 opacity: 1 !important;


  1. statuspanel[inactive] #statuspanel-label{ visibility: hidden }

.browserStack > #statuspanel[inactive]::before,

  1. statuspanel[inactive] > #statuspanel-inner::before{
 content: "Done";
 display: flex;
 margin-top: 2px;
 color: var(--toolbar-field-color, black) !important;


  1. statuspanel[type="status"] { color: skyblue }
  1. statuspanel-label[value^="https"]{ color: var(--toolbar-field-color, black) !important; }

/* These should make sure that there is some opaque color covering the real statuspanel - necessary when RFP letterboxing is enabled */ .browserContainer, .browserSidebarContainer{

 background-color: inherit;


/* Autohide_Bookmarks_And_Main_Toolbars */

  1. navigator-toolbox{
 --uc-bm-padding: 4px; /* Vertical padding to be applied to bookmarks */
 --uc-bm-height: calc(20px + 2 * var(--uc-bm-padding)); /* Might need to adjust if the toolbar has other buttons */
 --uc-navbar-height: -40px; /* navbar is main toolbar. Use negative value */
 --uc-autohide-toolbar-delay: 600ms; /* The toolbar is hidden after 0.6s */


root[uidensity="compact"] #navigator-toolbox{
 --uc-navbar-height: -34px;


root[uidensity="touch"] #navigator-toolbox{ --uc-bm-padding: 6px }
root[chromehidden~="directories"] #navigator-toolbox{
 --uc-bm-height: 0px;


root[chromehidden~="toolbar"] #navigator-toolbox{
 --uc-navbar-height: 0px;


  1. navigator-toolbox,
  2. sidebar-box,
  3. sidebar-main,
  4. sidebar-splitter,
  5. tabbrowser-tabbox{
 z-index: auto !important;


root[sessionrestored] #nav-bar,
root[sessionrestored] #PersonalToolbar{
 background-image: linear-gradient(var(--toolbar-bgcolor),var(--toolbar-bgcolor)), var(--lwt-additional-images,var(--toolbar-bgimage))  !important;
 background-position: top,var(--lwt-background-alignment);
 background-position-y: calc(0px - var(--tab-min-height) - 2*var(--tab-block-margin,0px));
 background-repeat: repeat,var(--lwt-background-tiling);
 transform: rotateX(90deg);
 transform-origin: top;
 transition: transform 135ms linear var(--uc-autohide-toolbar-delay) !important;
 z-index: 2;


  1. PlacesToolbarItems > .bookmark-item,
  2. OtherBookmarks,
  3. PersonalToolbar > #import-button{
 padding-block: var(--uc-bm-padding) !important;


root[sessionrestored] #PersonalToolbar{
 z-index: 1;
 background-position-y: calc(0px - var(--tab-min-height) - 2*var(--tab-block-margin,0px) + var( --uc-navbar-height));


root[lwtheme-image] #nav-bar,
root[lwtheme-image] #PersonalToolbar{
 background-image: linear-gradient(var(--toolbar-bgcolor),var(--toolbar-bgcolor)),var(--lwt-header-image), var(--lwt-additional-images,var(--toolbar-bgimage)) !important;


  1. nav-bar[customizing],#PersonalToolbar[customizing]{ transform: none !important }
  1. navigator-toolbox > #PersonalToolbar{
 transform-origin: 0px var(--uc-navbar-height);
 position: relative;


root[sessionrestored] #urlbar[popover]{
 opacity: 0;
 pointer-events: none;
 transition: transform 135ms linear var(--uc-autohide-toolbar-delay), opacity 0ms calc(var(--uc-autohide-toolbar-delay) + 135ms);
 transform-origin: 0px calc((var(--urlbar-container-height) - var(--urlbar-height)) / 2);
 transform: rotateX(89.5deg);


  1. mainPopupSet:has(> [role="group"][panelopen]) ~ toolbox #urlbar[popover],
  2. navigator-toolbox:is(:hover,:focus-within) #urlbar[popover],
  3. urlbar-container > #urlbar[popover]:is([focused],[open]){
 opacity: 1;
 pointer-events: auto;
 transition-delay: 100ms;
 transform: rotateX(0deg);


root[sessionrestored]:not([customizing]) #navigator-toolbox{
 margin-bottom:  calc(-1px - var(--uc-bm-height) + var(--uc-navbar-height));


/* Make sure the bookmarks toolbar is never collapsed even if it is disabled */

root[sizemode="fullscreen"] #PersonalToolbar,
  1. PersonalToolbar[collapsed="true"]{
 min-height: initial !important;
 max-height: initial !important;
 visibility: hidden !important


  1. PersonalToolbar[collapsed="true"] #PlacesToolbarItems > *,
root[sizemode="fullscreen"] #PersonalToolbar #PlacesToolbarItems > *{
 visibility: hidden !important;


/* If bookmarks toolbar is collapsed on startup, then no items are generated, and we need to set some height for it */

  1. PlacesToolbarItems:empty{
 height: var(--uc-bm-height);


/* Selected tab needs higher z-index now to "hide" the broder below it */ .tabbrowser-tab[selected]{ z-index: 3 !important; }

/* Show when cursor is over main menu popup - this requires :has selector support */

  1. mainPopupSet:has(> [role="group"][panelopen]) ~ toolbox > .browser-toolbar{
 transition-delay: 100ms !important;
 transform: rotateX(0);


/* SELECT TOOLBAR BEHAVIOR */ /* Comment out or delete one of these to disable that behavior */

/* Show when urlbar is focused */

  1. nav-bar:focus-within + #PersonalToolbar,
  2. navigator-toolbox > #nav-bar:focus-within{
 transition-delay: 100ms !important;
 transform: rotateX(0);


/* Show when cursor is over the toolbar area */

  1. navigator-toolbox:hover > .browser-toolbar{
 transition-delay: 100ms !important;
 transform: rotateX(0);


/* This makes the tab notification box show immediately below tabs, otherwise it would break the layout */

  1. navigator-toolbox > div{ display: contents }
where(#titlebar,#navigator-toolbox > #TabsToolbar,#navigator-toolbox > #toolbar-menubar,#tab-notification-deck,.global-notificationbox){
 order: -1;


root[BookmarksToolbarOverlapsBrowser] #navigator-toolbox{
 margin-bottom: calc(-1px - var(--uc-bm-height) + var(--uc-navbar-height)) !important;
 z-index: auto !important;

} @media (-moz-bool-pref: "browser.fullscreen.autohide"){

 :root[sizemode="fullscreen"] #navigator-toolbox[style*="margin-top"]{
   margin-top: calc(1px - var(--tab-min-height) - 2 * var(--tab-block-margin)) !important;


/* Set the following pref to enable compatibility with multi-row_bookmarks.css */ @media (-moz-bool-pref: "userchrome.autohide-bm-and-main-toolbars.multirow-bookmarks-compat.enabled"){

 #navigator-toolbox{ margin-bottom: var(--uc-navbar-height) !important; }
   min-height: 0 !important;
   margin-bottom: 0;
   height: 0;
   overflow-y: visible !important;
   z-index: 2;
   padding-inline: 0 !important;
   background: inherit;
   height: min-content;
   pointer-events: none !important;


/* Hide Tab Bar With Only One Tab */

/* #TabsToolbar { visibility: collapse !important; } */

Demandé par marc.verbeelen il y a 1 jour

Dernière réponse par marc.verbeelen il y a 19 heures

Hyperlinks won't open on one specific site (

On one website, that of the New York Times, and only on Firefox (I also use Chrome & Edge, and I experience none of the following problems whi… (lire la suite)

On one website, that of the New York Times, and only on Firefox (I also use Chrome & Edge, and I experience none of the following problems while using either browser), I am unable to open any hyperlinks or tabs or anything at all to maneuver through the NYT website, or domain, I should say (it's not just the homepage; it's all sites that begin with the URL, including all NYT thematic & geographic hubs, all articles and even the My Account/Profile page). When I hover over any link, nothing happens, the appearance of the mouse does not change as it normally does when hovering over a link. When I place the mouse amidst the text of an article, again, the appearance of the mouse does not change to the usual flashing "|" symbol. I can't even highlight text. In short, it's as if the NYTimes domain DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THE PRESENCE OF MY MOUSE ON THE SCREEN AT ALL, as if it's not even there. A few more observations that may be helpful (in order of what I think is increasing importance, but I'm no expert): -- This was a very sudden change that occurred about 10 days ago. I was only using Firefox at the time, had 2 windows open, each with 25+ tabs. In one window, I had 3 NYT articles open in separate tabs, and earlier that day, while reading one of them, everything was normal/this problem had yet to present itself. Later that day, I returned to the computer, saved the 1st of the 3 articles I had read earlier in my Favorites (I meticulously save online content, articles, etc. in hundreds of folders, sub-folders, sub-sub-folders, and so on in my Favorites). I then closed that tab, and turned to the 2nd of the 3 NYT articles I had originally opened in separate tabs in the same window. Soon after starting to read this article, I hovered over a hyperlink embedded in the article, just to see what the source of that info was, but oddly my mouse did not change its appearance as it does when hovering over any type of link. I ignored it at first, but then, a minute later, I came upon a hyperlink I knew I didn't just want to hover over but also to click on & open. Except I couldn't. Within seconds, I realized I could not click on anything anywhere on any NYT webpage. Not sure if this is helpful, but when I first started reading that 2nd article (the 1st instance of experiencing this problem), I don't at all remember doing anything that could possibly explain this? I know I didn't do something odd with my settings, certainly not anything specific to the NYT alone. Leaning heavily on my very vague & limited memory of the seconds/minutes just before 1st realizing my mouse was not being recognized as such while hovering over a hyperlink, I think it's possible that I somehow accidentally pressed on some weird combo of keyboard digits...? Is there some kind of shortcut that leads to this sort of change in user experience on a given website or domain?

-- I am able to VISIT any NYTimes site - whether it's the homepage, or an issue-themed section, or a specific article. I can reach these sites by typing the URL in the search bar (which I only do to reach the homepage, obviously), or by clicking on a hyperlink leading to a NYT webpage that I found amongst, say, the results of a Google News search, or perhaps I received an e-mail that references a NYT article & included a link to it. If I try to reach the NYT online from outside the NYT domain/websites, I face no problems doing so and viewing the webpage exactly as it's supposed to appear and does appear on other browsers simultaneously. The problem is maneuvering to anywhere else from that NYT webpage by clicking on something - anything - on it.

-- The mouse's scroll function does work. That means that upon arriving at any NYT article, I am able to navigate - really, just move up and down - to the effect that I am able to read the entire article (I have a NYT subscription, so access is not a problem). I can also scroll downwards using the keyboard, specifically by pressing the spacebar button. Perhaps most interestingly, I just realized that I can also scroll by clicking on the little rectangular sliding tab all the way to the right of the article, holding the click, and dragging/sliding the tab up to scroll up or down to scroll down. It seems that part of the screen is not considered part of the NYT webpage itself, where clicking on anything does absolutely nothing.

-- EXCEPTIONS (2): There seem to be 2 kinds of exceptions to my Firefox NYT problem. 1. The first is hardly an exception, it's simply that, upon arriving at a NYT webpage (via URL or hyperlink found in a non-NYT webpage or email or whatever else), before the page completely loads but has loaded enough that I can move my mouse around to various links & hyperlinks on the page, during those few seconds, or I estimate a maximum of 10 seconds (my Firefox browser can be pretty slow sometimes because of my bad habit of opening so many tabs in multiple windows), things are normal as far as the NYT page reacting to my mouse's presence as it hovers over links, and being able to click on those links and open new tabs for other NYT articles. But of course, this fleeting moment of hope that my problem has suddenly disappeared...disappears itself. 2. This makes no sense to me (not that any of this does). Simply put, every once in a while a NYT article/webpage will behave completely normally. Right now, in the Firefox window that contains this tab in which I'm writing to ya'll, I have 6 NYT articles open in separate tabs. 5 of them are exhibiting precisely the problem I've described above. But 1 of them just doesn''s working totally fine for me right now. This isn't the only example of this sort of exception that I've encountered; there have been, I dont know...a handful of others? I can't really provide a decent estimate of how frequently I've encountered a properly working NYT page or what percentage of NYT pages have worked for me. It is a fraction of them though, a small fraction. And as far as I can tell, there is absolutely nothing distinctive or special or different about those articles. From my perspective, it seems totally random that they work while the vast majority don't. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it; it's simply as though whatever incredibly frustrating setting I've somehow inflicted upon my Firefox NYT experience occassionally forgets to implement itself? I'm at a loss.

PLEASE HELP!!! The NYT is a critical component of my media diet, which in turn is a criticial component of the learning & professional development I must currently be doing as part of my career & studies. Not to mention that I pay for a subscription that I'm having a great deal of difficulty making full use of. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? How to fix it? I'd be forever indebted to you!! Thanks in advance!!!

Best, Kyro

Demandé par The_Crooked_Copt il y a 19 heures

Recurring Entries in Firefox Bookmarks: "About Us" and "Customize Firefox"

I am experiencing an issue in Firefox with recurring entries in the bookmarks menu, such as "About Us" and "Customize Firefox." These entries: Reappear frequently, cl… (lire la suite)

I am experiencing an issue in Firefox with recurring entries in the bookmarks menu, such as "About Us" and "Customize Firefox." These entries:

   Reappear frequently, cluttering the bookmarks menu.
   Cannot be deleted through the bookmarks library or toolbar customization options.

I have attempted the following steps without success:

   Removing the entries using the bookmarks manager.
   Resetting Firefox, creating a new profile, and disabling extensions.
   Running Firefox in safe mode.

The issue persists even after these attempts. Is this a known problem or an intentional feature? If so, how can I disable or permanently remove these entries?

Additional Information:

   Firefox version: [Your Firefox version]
   Operating System: [Your OS, e.g., Windows 10]

Thank you for any guidance or fixes!

Demandé par Klaus Bosch il y a 20 heures

Default apps cannot be changed from Microsoft

This is a hail Mary. Microsoft changed the behavior of Windows, supposedly for security, so that clicking the Firefox button to make it the default web browser is no long… (lire la suite)

This is a hail Mary. Microsoft changed the behavior of Windows, supposedly for security, so that clicking the Firefox button to make it the default web browser is no longer allowed. Instead, I get taken to the default apps section of Settings, where the only choices are Edge and Internet Explorer. No Firefox. Same with images and with video. Microsoft is not helping with this and I'm damned if I'm wading through probably a hundred or so file extensions changing each one individually. Somebody else must have run across this problem and maybe solved it?

Demandé par pjcamp il y a 1 jour

Desktop icons for PDF files are small if defailt PDF reader is Firefox

Hello, When I set the default app for my PDF files to Firefox in Windows 11 Pro, the PDF files I put on my desktop are mostly empty space except for a tiny Firefox logo. … (lire la suite)

Hello, When I set the default app for my PDF files to Firefox in Windows 11 Pro, the PDF files I put on my desktop are mostly empty space except for a tiny Firefox logo. Other file icons on the desktop are full-sized and easy to see. Is there a way to make these Firefox/PDF icons full-sized, other than selecting a different default app for PDF files? Screenshot example attached. Thanks! Dave

Microsoft Surface Pro 8 x64 computer Microsoft Windows 11 Pro OS 10.0.22631 Build 22631 (purchased) Browsers: Firefox (main) 132.0.2 (64-bit) Google Chrome Microsoft Edge (not used often) I try to keep all updates and patches applied. No hacks or jailbreaks.

Demandé par OneDave il y a 1 jour

Firefox not rotating camera when laptop is in tent mode

Hi, I am disabled and in a wheelchair. I have a Dell Inspiron 7591 2-in-1 laptop as a communication device to speak. Since my hands don't work, I have to use head switc… (lire la suite)


I am disabled and in a wheelchair. I have a Dell Inspiron 7591 2-in-1 laptop as a communication device to speak. Since my hands don't work, I have to use head switches in order to operate my device. I downloaded and installed the latest version Firefox (version 132.0.2 (64-bit)) via Microsoft Store on my laptop running Windows 10 Home. I have a Jabber/XMPP account to communicate with my family members and friends. In order to mount my laptop to my wheelchair, my laptop has to be in tent mode (upside down, but my screen automatically rotates to the proper orientation.) When I go to in the Firefox browser and video call someone, I appear upside-down on their end. I also visited in Firefox and I appeared upside-down on my screen. However when I use other programs (eg: the camera app in Windows, Google Chrome, etc.), it recognizes my laptop is in tent mode so those programs automatically adjust my camera orientation. I would like my Firefox browser to recognize that my laptop is in tent mode and automatically rotate my camera to the proper orientation. Is this possible? If not, I would like to make this a feature request please?

Thank you

Demandé par speedygonzales99 il y a 1 jour

Form autofill not working on site

Have a service ticket website we use (EasyVista) that should be form populating previous entries however this is not happening in FireFox. Doing this on Chrome works prop… (lire la suite)

Have a service ticket website we use (EasyVista) that should be form populating previous entries however this is not happening in FireFox. Doing this on Chrome works properly. I've included screenshots showing both.

Autofill is properly set. Below is all config entries that have "autofill" in their name:

browser.urlbar.autoFill true browser.urlbar.autoFill.adaptiveHistory.enabled false browser.urlbar.autoFill.adaptiveHistory.minCharsThreshold 0 dom.forms.autocomplete.formautofill true extensions.formautofill.addresses.capture.enabled true extensions.formautofill.addresses.enabled true extensions.formautofill.addresses.experiments.enabled false extensions.formautofill.addresses.ignoreAutocompleteOff true extensions.formautofill.addresses.supported detect extensions.formautofill.addresses.supportedCountries US,CA,FR,DE extensions.formautofill.available detect extensions.formautofill.creditCards.enabled true extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.fathom.confidenceThreshold 0.5 extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.fathom.highConfidenceThreshold 0.95 extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.fathom.testConfidence 0 extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.fathom.types cc-number,cc-name extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.mode 2 extensions.formautofill.creditCards.ignoreAutocompleteOff true extensions.formautofill.creditCards.reauth.optout MDIEEPgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEwFAYIKoZIhvcNAwcECHIvPwk4C9zyBAj7rcwgHE0r7g== extensions.formautofill.creditCards.supported detect extensions.formautofill.creditCards.supportedCountries US,CA,GB,FR,DE,IT,ES,AT,BE,PL extensions.formautofill.heuristics.autofillSameOriginWithTop true extensions.formautofill.heuristics.captureOnFormRemoval true extensions.formautofill.heuristics.captureOnPageNavigation true extensions.formautofill.loglevel Warn extensions.formautofill.supportRTL false services.sync.prefs.sync.signon.autofillForms true signon.autofillForms true signon.autofillForms.autocompleteOff true signon.autofillForms.http false

Demandé par DGDomtar il y a 1 jour

Dernière réponse par DGDomtar il y a 1 jour

Secure - https proxy configurations on Firefox ...possible ?

There is a (new) Secure SSL forward proxy in my corporate. It requires a client to perform: TCP handshake + TLS handshake + followed by http CONNECT request Now this wo… (lire la suite)

There is a (new) Secure SSL forward proxy in my corporate. It requires a client to perform: TCP handshake + TLS handshake + followed by http CONNECT request

Now this works fine when we simulate proxy connection using curl, for instance:

  1. curl --head -v -ik --proxy

However when setting up FF for proxy configuration, and adding proxy details under HTTPS Proxy, cant connect via that proxy. Looking at network dump we do see that FF is doing: TCP handshake + straight away sends http CONNECT request - and its missing to initiate TLS handshake....

Is there anyway at all to configure FF to connect via secure SSL proxy ?

Demandé par gazda2025 il y a 1 jour

Open a new tab

Since the new updates the shortcut to add a new tab is gone - how do I get that back. Also i can no longer download my videos from facebook to upload to youtube - can th… (lire la suite)

Since the new updates the shortcut to add a new tab is gone - how do I get that back. Also i can no longer download my videos from facebook to upload to youtube - can that be fixed as well?

Demandé par joem.vonachurch il y a 1 jour

I cannot get the Pocket symbol to address bar

Today I have installed Pocket on one of my Windows PCs in the Firefox browser. I got the symbol on the address bar and it works. Now I want to install Pocket on another P… (lire la suite)

Today I have installed Pocket on one of my Windows PCs in the Firefox browser. I got the symbol on the address bar and it works. Now I want to install Pocket on another PC, but I don't get the symbol. Without symbol I cannot use it. I can login to Pocket on the second PC and open saved URLs, but I cannot add Websites to my Pocket account. How do I get the symbol?

Demandé par Ermke il y a 1 jour