Pocket's top feature requests

Pocket Pocket Oanmakke: 09/10/2023 53% brûkers fûnen dit behelpsum

Feature Requests in Pocket

At Pocket, we highly value your feedback on improving your Pocket experience. Many of the features you love have been inspired by your suggestions. Below, you'll find a list of popular feature requests that we've implemented:

Now Available in Pocket

  • (New!) Add a note to saved items
  • (New!) Lists for folder categorization
  • (New!) Sort lists by shortest or longest reading time
  • (New!) Filter items by 4 different reading time segments
  • (New!) Mark items as viewed or not viewed
  • See previous or next articles without leaving reader view
  • Highlighting text in article view

Core Improvements

  • Edit Titles of Saved Pages: While you can't edit titles directly, report incorrect titles, and we'll work on fixing them. Use lists and tags for better organization.
  • List Item Counts: You can see the number of items in your List on iOS and Mac by enabling App Badge Count in Settings.

Feature Enhancements

  • Local File Support: Pocket can store public URLs but can't store files from your computer or access private email content.
  • Offline Video: Downloading online videos is prohibited by popular video sites' Terms of Service.
  • Reminders to Read/Watch: While it's challenging to remember saved content, we aim to keep Pocket enjoyable, not a to-do list.

New Apps & Integrations

  • Pocket Apps for New Platforms (Windows): Our goal is to be on all major platforms. Currently available for iOS, Android, web, and various browsers.
  • Kindle Integration: Consider using Pocket 2 Kindle (P2K), a third-party service for syncing Pocket items to Kindle.

Have a feature request for Pocket? Let us know by emailing Pocket Support or by sending us a message on Twitter.

Your feedback continues to help us make Pocket better with each release. Thank you for being passionate Pocket users!

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