Change the Default Language

Ko jehaipyre ndahekopyahuvéima, upévare hetepy ikatu ndoikovéima.

Changing The Default Language

Make sure you are on your homescreen.

  1. Open the Settings the Settings appSettings 1.4Settings- 2.0 (small) app.
  2. Scroll to the Personalization section and tap on Language.
  3. On the next screen, tap on the drop-down menu to see the list of available languages.
    • The check mark indicates the language that's currently selected.
  4. Tap on your preferred language, and then tap OK to save your selection.
Want to contribute? To localize Firefox OS help in your language, see Translate Help Articles!

Ko’ã tapicha mba’eporã oipytyvõ ojehai hag̃ua:

Illustration of hands


Ekakuaa ha emoherakuã nerembiapokue ambuéndi. Embohovái porandu ha embotuichave ore kuaapy.
