How do I cancel my subscription to MDN Plus?

MDN Plus, Mozilla Account MDN Plus, Mozilla Account Ñembohekopyahu paha: 60% poruhára ovota kóva iporãha
Avave noipytyvõi gueteri oñemoñe’ẽasa hag̃ua jehaipyre. Eikuaámarõ mba’éichapa omba’apo SUMO moñe’ẽasa, ikatúma emoñe’ẽasa ko’ág̃a. Eikuaasérõ mba’éichapa emoñe’ẽasáta SUMO, jehaipyre, ikatúma eñepyrũ ápe.

You can cancel your paid subscription at any time. Canceling your MDN Plus subscription will turn off auto-renew, and you will no longer have access to MDN Plus features when your subscription period ends.

Canceling your paid MDN Plus subscription will not delete your Mozilla account. We will keep your five most recent bookmarks and the three most recent pages you watched. You’ll lose access to MDN offline completely.

To cancel your MDN Plus subscription:

  1. Access your account at
  2. Click Paid Subscriptions on the left panel to open the subscriptions page.
  3. Click (or tap) Cancel Subscription.

¿Ne pytyvõpa ko jehaipyre?

Ikatúpa eha’ãrõmi…

Ko’ã tapicha mba’eporã oipytyvõ ojehai hag̃ua:

Illustration of hands


Ekakuaa ha emoherakuã nerembiapokue ambuéndi. Embohovái porandu ha embotuichave ore kuaapy.
