What's new in Firefox for iOS (version 103)

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Zadnje ažuriranje: 87 % korisnika smatra ovo korisnim
Naši dobrovoljci prevode ovaj članak. Do tada, možda ti pomogne engleska verzija članka. Ako želiš pomoći prevoditi članke poput ovoga, pritisni ovdje.

Welcome to a new version of Firefox for iOS (version 103). This release comes with the following improvements and features:

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • When you have multiple tabs open and swipe to close a tab, the correct tab will now close.
  • VoiceOver on the Inactive Tabs tab is working as expected. When the section is closed, VoiceOver will read “View inactive tabs”. When the section is opened, it will read “Hide inactive tabs”.
  • Search Term groups will now group as expected within Recently Visited, the tabs tray, Jump Back In, and History.

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