Mobile Support tagging guidelines

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In Conversocial, you'll see all kind of tags from product, platform, locale, and others. But specifically, there are only 3 type of tags that we have to pay attention to in Conversocial, especially when you are a moderator. It's good hygiene to make sure that we have at least applied these 3 kinds of tags.

Issue tags

Issue tags are tags that describe the type of issue. In Conversocial, it's start with "Issue:". We set up automatic rule for this type of tags, but it's always good to double check if the tag is applied appropriately.

Bug Use this when a user is reporting a valid/reproducible bug
Churn Use this when the user indicate that s/he is leaving the app/uninstalling
Compliment Use this when a user expresses gratitude/compliment of the product/team/organization
Feedback Use this when a user is expressing feedback instead of seeking help/support
Get help Use this when the user is asking a general how-to or general troubleshooting question that is not technical
Rant Use this when the user is only expressing rant/hateful comment without specific feedback
Technical Use this when the question is related to a technical aspect of the product

Component tags

Component tags are tags that describe the area of the product that become problematic. We mostly automated component tags, so moderator/contributor just have to correct it if it's wrongly tagged. Find out the variety of component tags we have for mobile support below:

Tag name Automatic rule? Description
Accessibility yes Category for any inquiries related to accessibility of the product.
Account no Category for Mozilla account related issues
Autofill no Category for the autofill feature
Bookmark yes Category for any inquiries related to bookmark.
Cache/cookie yes Category for any inquiries related to cookies or cache.
Collections no Category for any inquiries the Collections feature in Android
Compatibility yes Category for any inquiries related to web compatibility.
Controversial no Category for any sensitive/controversial matter. You may want to escalate this kind of conversations.
Crash yes Category for any inquiries related to crashing.
Customization yes Category for any inquiries related to browser customization fuctionality like theme, toolbar customization, etc.
Download yes Category for any inquiries related to the download function/behavior.
Extensions yes Category for any inquiries related to add-ons/extensions
Hang/freeze yes Category for any inquiries related to hang/freezing.
Installation/update yes Category for any inquiries related to product installation/update process.
Media yes Category for any inquiries related to media content including images, audios, and videos.
Migration no Category for any feature parity from Fennec to Fenix
Optimization yes Category for any inquiries about app optimization
Password yes Category for any inquiries related to passwords and about:login.
Performance yes Category for any inquiries related to performance. Usually about RAM consumption or slowness.
Permission yes Category for any inquiries related to permission (usually for mic/webcam).
Print no Category for any issues related to printing.
Private Browsing no Category for any issues related to the Private Browsing mode
Reader mode no Category for any issues related to reading mode functionality
Release no Category for release-related issue
Search yes Category for any inquiries related to search.
Security/privacy yes Category for any inquiries related to privacy and security feature.
Settings yes Category for Settings related inquiries
Site breakage yes Category for any issues related to website breakage. Usually caused by tracking protection feature or webcompat.
Sync yes Category for any inquiries related to Sync feature
Tab yes Category for any inquiries related to tab including tab container
UI/UX no Category for any feedback about app's UI/UX
Updated review no Category for any updated review

Category tags

Category tags are tags that describe the specific issue of a conversation. It may have association with a product tag, issue tag, or a component tag. We don't automate category tag, so the moderator or contributor should manually add it.

Firefox for Android

Here's a list of category tags for Firefox for Android:

Tag name Description
Account:2fa-locked-out Reports of a locked Firefox Account due to 2fa
Ads:sponsored-shortcuts Comment about the sponsored shortcuts in Firefox for Android
Autofill:credit-card Reports about credit card autofill
Autofill:form Reports about form autofill
Autofill:password Reports about password autofill
Bookmark:bookmarks-disappear Users reporting that bookmarks disappear, mostly after the app is updated
Bookmark:export Request for an export feature for bookmarks
Bookmark:import Request for a feature to import bookmarks from another browser
Bookmark:organization Request to improve bookmark organization (categorization, sorting, etc)
Breakage:desktop-mode Site breakage issue when user is using the desktop mode
Competitor:brave-comparison When a user compare Firefox to Brave browser
Competitor:chrome-comparison When a user compare Firefox to Chrome browser
Competitor:edge-comparison When a user compare Firefox to Edge browser
Competitor:other-comparison When a user compare Firefox to other browsers
Connection:certificate-issue Connection issue caused by security certificate
Custom:pocket-recommendation Comments about pocket recommendation feature in the homepage
Custom:shortcuts Reports about shortcuts feature in the Home page
Custom:shortcuts-sametab Request to open shortcut in the same tab instead of a new one
Custom:url-as-homepage Request the ability to set custom URL as homepage
Download:location Request the ability to set custom download location
Extensions:android-translate Request to support add-ons for translation
Media:PiP Reports about issue with Picture in Picture feature
Migration:about-config Request to support about:config (feature parity)
Migration:addons-extended-support Request to support more add-ons (feature parity)
Migration:save-as-pdf Request the ability to save page as PDF (feature parity)
Migration:view-source-code Request the ability to view source code (feature parity)
Optimization:app-size Request to optimize app size
Optimization:data-usage Request to optimize data usage
Optimization:tablet-ui Request to optimize UI for tablet devices
Performace:app-loading-time Performace problem with the app loading time (slow to perform an action)
Performace:battery-consumption Performace problem related to battery consumption
Performace:CPU-memory-issue Performance problem with memory/CPU consumption
Performace:loading-issue Performace problem with loading a page
Performace:rendering-issue Performace problem with page rendering
Print:in-app-print Request native printing feature
Privacy:data-collection-concern Concern about privacy/data collection in Firefox
Privacy:tracking-dashboard Comment about the tracking dashboard
Rant:product-direction Rant about product direction
Request:view-certificate-details Request the ability to view SSL certificate details
Search:firefox-suggest Comment about search suggestion feature (Firefox Suggest)
Setting:respect-settings Request for the team to respect user's preferences/setting upon updating
Settings:set-to-default Problem with setting the app as the default browser
Tab:reorder Request the ability to reorder tab manually
Tab:send-tab-not-working Problem with send tab feature not working
UI/UX:dex-support Support request for ability to resize app in Samsung DeX
UI/UX:history-categorization Feedback about history categorization
UI/UX:newtab-behavior Comments about new tab behavior
UI/UX:pull-down-to-refresh Request the pull down to refresh feature
UI/UX:refresh-button Comments about the refresh button placement
UI/UX:review-prompt Concern about in-app prompt that request users to rate/review the browser
UI/UX:swipe-gesture Request to support swipe gesture
Update:data-loss Issue about data loss after updating the app
Update:force-update Concern about forcing update
Web:web-standard-implementation Feedback about web standard implementation

Firefox Focus for Android

Here's a list of category tags for Firefox Focus for Android:

Tag name Description
Tab:new-tab-button Request for the ability to open multiple tabs from a new tab button
UI/UX:adblock Concerns about adblocking feature
UI/UX:custom-toolbar-placement Request for a the ability to move toolbar between above/bottom

Complete Mobile Support guidelines

Go back to the Mobile Support guidelines to continue learn about mobile support contribution.

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