Save to Pocket from your clipboard

Pocket Pocket Utoljára frissítve: A felhasználók 33%-a hasznosnak találta ezt
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If you copy a URL to your device's clipboard, you can open Pocket to easily save it. Continue reading to learn how to save to Pocket using your clipboard.

Pocket for iPhone, iPad, and Android

If you copy a URL on your mobile device, it can be easily saved to Pocket. Here's how:

  1. Copy the entire URL (including the https://).
  2. Open Pocket.
  3. A green bar will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap the Add button and the copied URL will be saved to your list.
    SS Pocket clipboard

Pocket for Web

If you copied a URL on your computer, you can save it to Pocket directly if you visit Pocket in your browser. Click here to learn how to save to Pocket directly in your browser.

Privacy and Permissions

Pocket can save links copied to your clipboard when you open the app. Pocket can only save URLs, and does not save or transmit data aside from URLs that you choose to save. On iPhones and iPads running iOS 14 and higher, you will be asked whether or not you want to allow Pocket to read URLs on your clipboard before it does so.

Common Questions

I copied a URL but did not see a green notification. what should I do?

The green notification bar that appears when Pocket detects a copied URL is designed to only be shown once per copied URL. Therefore, if you happen to miss it by mistake, it will not be shown again unless you follow these steps:

  1. Copy a different URL
  2. Open Pocket
  3. Copy the first URL that you originally tried to save
  4. Open Pocket again and look for the notification bar

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