Monthly Monitor Report Email

Mozilla Monitor Mozilla Monitor Data di creazione: 05/22/2024 50% degli utenti lo ha giudicato utile

This will allow you to know about all the ways Monitor is protecting your information without the need to sign into Monitor. This option is automatically enabled after your first month with Monitor Plus.

What does my monthly email report contain?

Your monthly report email will be directed to your primary email address, providing a summary of your Monitor activity and what’s been fixed. See below to know how it would look like:

Monitor Monthly email

How to disable your monthly report?

  1. Go to your settings on
    Monitor settings arrow
  2. Under Email preferences remove the check from the Monthly Monitor report option.
    Note: To turn back up this option just click the checkbox again. Your monthly report will stay disabled unless you turn it back on.
    Monitor email preferences

All done! You will no longer receive your monthly report email.

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