Automatically launch Mozilla VPN when your device starts

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN 最終更新日時: 06/06/2024 75% のユーザーがこの記事が役立だったと投票しています
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Mozilla VPN defaults to automatically launch and connect on startup for most users. You can confirm that this feature is enabled for you by following the steps below. Take in mind that once this setting is enabled, Mozilla VPN will run in the background.

Warning: Due to third-party limitations, some Android users may notice that Mozilla VPN won't automatically launch on startup. In these cases, manually connect it following the steps in this article.
  1. Open Mozilla VPN.
  2. Click the settings icon vpn settings icon.
  3. Click App preferences.
  4. Select Allow VPN connection.
  5. You will receive a message to confirm you want to allow the connection, select Allow.
    Allow pop-up
  6. Mozilla VPN will automatically connect to the last server you used.
Warning: Due to device limitations, the connect on startup feature is not supported on iOS.

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