შეკითხვები ჭდეებით: ყველა კითხვის ჩვენება

CVE-2024-7528 not closing on Rapid7/Nexpose scans for Windows Server 2012 R2

CVE-2024-7528 is not closing on Rapid7/Nexpose re-scans for Windows 2012 R2 Servers. When the latest ESR package for Windows 2012 R2 is applied the vulnerability remains… (ვრცლად)

CVE-2024-7528 is not closing on Rapid7/Nexpose re-scans for Windows 2012 R2 Servers. When the latest ESR package for Windows 2012 R2 is applied the vulnerability remains open even when using ESR version 115.17.0.

When I check the NVD it looks like the only vulnerable versions are <115.7.0. https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-7528#range-13199073

Is this vulnerability resolved in any released version of ESR? In browsing the release notes for the past few ESR releases I'm not seeing it mentioned so curious if it's

კითხვის დამსმელია Chris C 5 დღის წინ

ბოლო პასუხის გამცემი Chris C 3 დღის წინ