Get your local weather forecast from the Firefox address bar

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Get real-time weather updates conveniently displayed within the Firefox address bar. This feature can help you stay up-to-date on the latest weather conditions without visiting a particular website or app. Simply type “weather” in the address bar and you'll see weather suggestions for your location.

Weather suggestions

Note: At the moment, weather updates are only available to a select number of users in the U.S.

What weather information is available?

  • City name: The city's name for which weather information is being shown.
  • Expected weather: This shows the expected current weather conditions and weather forecast for the day, including temperature, precipitation, and wind speed.
  • Weather suggestions provider: A link to AccuWeather, a website that provides detailed weather information. Clicking the suggestion will take you to the provider’s website.
  • Feedback: Click this button to provide feedback.

Common questions

Where are these weather suggestions from?

The weather suggestions in the Firefox address bar are sourced from AccuWeather.

How is my location determined?

To see weather suggestions for your location in the address bar, Firefox uses your IP address to determine your approximate location. This information is then used to provide relevant weather suggestions for your area.

Do you share my IP address?

Firefox doesn’t share your IP address or any personally identifiable information outside Mozilla servers.

Can I search for weather information for other locations from the address bar?

Firefox displays weather suggestions automatically based on your IP address and determines your location accordingly. At this time, it’s not possible to get weather information in the address bar for other locations.

Why do I see “Sponsored” next to AccuWeather – what does this mean?

Firefox may receive revenue if you visit the AccuWeather website to see a more detailed weather forecast.

I see weather information for the wrong location in the address bar – what can I do?

If you are experiencing issues with Firefox's weather suggestions or have any feedback to share, let us know. We are constantly working to improve our features, and your input can help us make Firefox even better. To submit feedback:

  1. Find the Feedback button next to the weather suggestion in the address bar.
  2. Select the option that best describes your feedback:
  • Report inaccurate location
  • Shows less frequently
  • Don’t show this
Note: Clicking Don’t show this will turn off weather suggestions in the address bar.

Learn more

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