Open Firefox automatically when you start your computer

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This article only applies to Firefox on Windows.
Starting with Firefox version 120, you can set Firefox to automatically launch whenever you start or restart your Windows computer. Setting Firefox to auto-launch optimizes efficiency in our browser-centric digital routines, eliminating manual startup delays and facilitating immediate web access.

Opt-in prompt

If you have previously chosen Firefox as your default browser, an opt-in message will appear. Simply click Yes, open Firefox button to enable it.

Auto launch prompt

Manual configuration

Didn’t receive the prompt? Follow these steps to manually set up auto-launch:

  1. In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click Firefox and then select Preferences or Settings, depending on your macOS version.Click the menu button Fx89menuButton and select Settings.
  2. In the General panel, locate and select the Open Firefox automatically when your computer starts up option.
    Auto launch preferences 1
    Note: This option may not be available if you opted out of Studies in Firefox Settings.
  3. If prompted with This preference has been disabled in Windows, click the Startup Apps link. This will guide you to the appropriate section in Windows' system settings.
    Auto launch preferences 2
  4. Once done, exit the Settings page. Your adjustments are saved automatically.

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