Customizing your reading experience in Pocket Premium

Pocket Pocket 최종 변경일: 01/26/2024 60% of users voted this helpful
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Fonts and Reading Layouts

On Pocket for Android and Pocket's website, you can create your own perfect reading experience by adjusting your display settings. Here’s a brief description of what can be changed:


In addition to the two that come with Pocket (Blanco and Graphik) Pocket Premium includes 8 additional fonts that are beautiful and unique, including Ideal Sans, Inter, Plex Sans, Sentinel, Tiempos, Vollkorn, Whitney, and Zilla Slab.

Line Height

Adjusting Line Height will increase and decrease the vertical spacing between lines of text, letting you adjust the amount of text on the screen.


Adjusting Margins will control how much text can fit on each line, and determine the spacing between the text and the sides of your screen. To adjust your Display Settings in Pocket for Android:

  1. Open an article.
  2. Tap the ●●● button.
  3. Tap Display Settings.
Pocket Display

To adjust your Display Settings on Pocket's website:

Open the article, then click the aA button in the upper right to open the display settings.

Display settings WEB

Common Questions

Can I restore my Text Options back to default?

While we do not have a button to restore your Text Options back to default, here’s how to find the default setting for each:

  • Default Font: Blanco.
  • Default Text Size: Tap the - (minus) to decrease the text size as much as possible, and then tap the + (plus) five times.
  • Default Line Height: Tap the - (minus) to decrease the line height as much as possible, and then tap the + (plus) three times.
  • Default Margin Width: Tap the - (minus) to decrease the margin width as much as possible, and then tap the + (plus) two times.

Which languages do the included fonts support?

All available fonts in Pocket support the Latin alphabet. The following premium fonts support the Cyrillic alphabet as well: Graphik, Ideal Sans, Inter, Plex Sans, Vollkorn.

Will you add more fonts in the future?

We’re happy to consider adding more font options in the future.

Which platforms offer these custom display features?

These reading customization options are available in Pocket for Android and Pocket's website.

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