Receive only important emails sent through your masks with Firefox Relay Premium

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay 최종 변경일: 4주 ago
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With Firefox Relay, all emails sent to your masks are automatically forwarded to your real inbox while keeping your email address private. With a Premium subscription, you can choose to block promotional emails and receive important emails only.

Warning:If you mark an email forwarded through Relay as spam, all forwarding from that mask will be automatically disabled to protect you from further unwanted messages. You will be notified via email about the mask being disabled, and you can re-enable it at any time via your Relay dashboard. Be aware that this action will block all emails from the mask, including non-spam ones.

What is promotional email blocking?

⁨Relay Premium⁩ subscribers can enable promotional email blocking. This feature will forward you important emails, such as receipts, password resets and confirmations, while still blocking marketing messages.

We don’t recommend using masks when you need your identity verified or for very important emails or those where you must receive attachments. For example, you’d want to share your true email address with your bank, your doctor, and your lawyer, as well as when receiving concert or flight boarding passes.

How does Firefox ⁨Relay⁩ detect if an email is Promotional or not?

Many emails are sent with “header” metadata to indicate that they are from list-based automated tools. Relay Premium detects this header data, so it can block these emails.

To activate this filter, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Firefox Relay extension in the toolbar.
  2. Click Manage all masks at the bottom of the panel.
  3. Choose the mask for which you want to block promotional emails.
  4. Click the downward arrow to expand the options for that mask.
  5. Under What emails do you want to block?, drag the slider from None to Promotionals to block marketing emails and potential spam.
    toggle promo
    • None: will forward all emails sent through your masks to your primary inbox.
    • Promotionals: will block spam and promotional emails, and you'll receive important emails only.
    • All: will block all emails sent to your masks.
If you find that you are not receiving specific emails, it’s possible that they may be getting blocked due to the settings enabled in this pane. You can try unblocking emails for that mask to see if they are delivered.

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