Why do I get an error when I try to upgrade my subscription?

Firefox Relay, Mozilla VPN Firefox Relay, Mozilla VPN 최종 변경일: 11/16/2022 46% of users voted this helpful
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Users who purchased a subscription from the Apple Store or Google Play Store will receive an error message when attempting to upgrade their subscription from the website.


What does the error message mean?

We only support upgrades for subscriptions purchased on the website. If you purchased your subscription from a mobile store, upgrading from the website won't be possible.

What options do I have?

You will need to cancel your current subscription from the mobile store and subscribe again via website to the plan or bundle of your choice.

To cancel your subscription from a mobile app store

You need to unsubscribe from your phone. Your purchase is subject to the app market's rules. Follow the steps in the links below to cancel your subscription on that platform:

Warning: Cancellations are not automatic and processing times may vary by store. For more information, please contact your mobile store's support team.

To contact your mobile store support team

To subscribe again

Once your subscription has been successfully canceled, return to the product’s website to purchase the plan or bundle of your choice.

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