en-US Helping with Live ChatNew intro paragraph
en-US Home page - ExploreLinked the rest of the Fx4 headings to their articles
en-US About the Knowledge Basecorrected link
en-US About the Knowledge Baseplug-ins --> plugins
en-US Installing Firefoxremove ref. to en-US, add keywords
fixed a broken link
fixed typo in keyword
Replace changelog summary by a real one, add keywords
Replace changelog summary by a real one, add keywords
Fixed some content that was not being displayed.
en-US Template:amorebuild template
en-US Template:contextmenurecreating missing contextmenu template - see https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/forums/contributors/704848
add missing {/for}
to check it works or not
fix nested lists
table markup, add keywords, summary
add keywords, summary, fix nested list, + key, remove new to Fx3
Added canned response for Thundbird requests
added summary and keywords
added summary and keywords