Firefox won't install AdBlock Plus. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/1865/addon-1865-latest.xpi?src=addondetail because: Download Error -228
Trying to update AdBlock Plus gave me this result:
" Firefox could not install the file at
because: Download error -228
Uninstalling and then reinstalling gave me the same thing. "
I've tried downloading it through Firefox's add-ons website and the developers website. Though when I tried the developers website here: http://adblockplus.org/en/installation and clicking on "Install Adblock Plus 1.3.1" the page is 404'ed.
So I'm assuming it has something to do with the developer and not my Firefox?
All Replies (2)
Read this help article: Unable to install add-ons (extensions or themes)
Error -228 may be caused by attempting to install an addon with your Firefox cache set too small or disabled.
I have tried uninstalling Firefox and reinstalling but every time I try to download adblock plus I get this message 'the add-on could not be download because of a connection failure on addons.mozilla.org.@ but I cant find anyway to address this problem, if anyone can help it may stop me smashing my screen when on ebay - because of the continuous flashing ads for gambling etc.