Initial import of configuration should immediately bring in IMAP folders (at least names)

When I imported a config file exported from K-9 into Thunderbird for Android only the Outbox folder was shown. After exploring some options in the gear menu (thus consumi… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

When I imported a config file exported from K-9 into Thunderbird for Android only the Outbox folder was shown. After exploring some options in the gear menu (thus consuming a little time) the folder list still hadn't populated. I set the phone aside for a time and came back to it. The folders had been populated. I suspect that it may have waited the Folder Poll Frequency time period (15 minutes in this case) but I don't know this for a fact. Initial setup should retrieve the folder names immediately. This will provide feedback that the setup/import was successful.

K-9 6.804 Thunderbird for Android 8.0b1 Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G/Android 14/One UI 6.1

Asked by dennis107 5 andro lasa

Last reply by dennis107 3 andro lasa

More flexible notification settings

Hi, Is it possible to add a Thunderbird Settings option to show its email notifications on a Windows 11 PC ONLY when Thunderbird window is inactive and hidden behind oth… (hamaky bebe kokoa)


Is it possible to add a Thunderbird Settings option to show its email notifications on a Windows 11 PC ONLY when Thunderbird window is inactive and hidden behind other app windows on screen? When the client window is active, and new emails arrive and appear in it, there is no need to dublicate it by popup notifications, so this feature is redundant and should be auto off.

Asked by zamar27 4 andro lasa

Last reply by zamar27 3 andro lasa

Email won't send with error message: Must issue a STARTTLS command first.

Email won't send with error message: "Must issue a STARTTLS command first. Verify email address in setting first and try again." I went to my settings and check that STAR… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Email won't send with error message: "Must issue a STARTTLS command first. Verify email address in setting first and try again." I went to my settings and check that STARTTLS is the email connection security and my email address is correct.

I don't have and edit for account settings so I made sure it was correct then closed and restarted TB and restarted my computer. Neither worked for me.  I can receive message but not send anything out. 

Asked by cch6 3 andro lasa

Contacts missing

I have started using an older version of T-Bird,[since v. 115 is such a pain in the ass] but most of my contacts are missing even tho it says the Profile is the same as t… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

I have started using an older version of T-Bird,[since v. 115 is such a pain in the ass] but most of my contacts are missing even tho it says the Profile is the same as that in 115.10.1 checking the profile contents, via notepad, it appears to contain all the contacts but they don't show up.

Asked by curtwh 3 andro lasa

Trying to follow instructions from another thread to get hotmail account to work in Thunderbird again

Trying to configure Thunderbird to work with hotmail again. It stopped working a few days ago. Following the 6-step instructions at the end of the thread on this page: ht… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Trying to configure Thunderbird to work with hotmail again. It stopped working a few days ago. Following the 6-step instructions at the end of the thread on this page:

At step 3 I don't have OAuth2 in the drop-down menu. Just

No authentication Normal password Encrypted password Kerberos / GSSAPI NTLM

With OAuth2 selected in the places it *is* available, I just get Host contacted, sending login information... ad infinitum.

How do I fix it? Thanks.

Thunderbird 115.15.0 on Windows 8.1

Asked by matthew_tapp 4 andro lasa

Last reply by matthew_tapp 3 andro lasa

TB Local Folders - can no longer see Local Folders and emails

Sometime around Sept 18-19, the Local Folders has become 'hidden' and not fully visible. My wife thinks she chose the 'Hide Local folders' option from the 'folder pane … (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Sometime around Sept 18-19, the Local Folders has become 'hidden' and not fully visible. My wife thinks she chose the 'Hide Local folders' option from the 'folder pane options'. I tried to disable/re-enable that option but Local Folders still do not show, even with that option disabled. There is 1 folder in Favorites that does show it is a sub-folder about 5 levels deep, (although most of the upper level folders will show emails when selected). There are 20+ folders shown in the Recent folders that do show emails as expected. When i select the 'All Folders' option under 'Folder Modes', nothing happens. The display does not change, and when i click back to show the options again, 'All Folders' is NOT selected (even though i just had selected it!).

I read though several topics related to Local Folders, but i do not see this specific issue. I verified the Local Folders directory on Windows does have data (.sbf, MSF, and File) and all the sub-directories. It contains about 4.3GB of data. I tried Copying the actual Local Folders directory on Windows to a new directory, and then changed the Local Folders Account settings configuration to use that new path, however same result, Still cannot see Local Folders entire directory structure. Using TB v128.30.esr. Have it configured to apply updates when available. I saw in the release notes there were updates released on or around Sept 18-19. I initially thought the Local Folders index was corrupted somehow on Windows, so i tried the 'Repair Folder' option on the 5 levels i could see in the 1 Favorite that was showing, especially the top level, however that did not change anything. Since I cannot see the whole Local Folder structure, i cannot try on any other folders. I now suspect there is an issue with 'Hide Local Folders' function. that seems to be what has caused all this.

will attach screen caps showing the menu options, and Recents/Favorites. I can provide others if needed. thanks for any guidance. Eric

Asked by ericbuckwalter 4 andro lasa

Forwardiing emails on comcast.

Every time I try to forward an email in Thunderbird I get this message. I can get emails in Thunderbird, Firefox (from Comcast) and Microsoft outlook. Firefox lets me in… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Every time I try to forward an email in Thunderbird I get this message. I can get emails in Thunderbird, Firefox (from Comcast) and Microsoft outlook. Firefox lets me into the my emails by my signing in thru their discovery website and I can forward them. I'm not sure about Outlook.

You don't have permission to access "http//" on this server.


Asked by Martin Newdorf 4 andro lasa

Sent mail corruption

I have been using Tbird for years and have never seen this issue. I have a client that when she sends an email, usually with PDF attachments, the email goes to the recipi… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

I have been using Tbird for years and have never seen this issue. I have a client that when she sends an email, usually with PDF attachments, the email goes to the recipient but what gets placed in her sent folder is the header followed with random characters.

For example, this is what showed up in the sent email folder from a email sent with PDF attachment. This does not happen all the time but certainly happens enough for concern.

Thanks in advance

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------6yPWn8qg4so24DNS4Lj4FYis"


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

R29vZCBtb3JuaW5nIEJlcmVuaWNlLA0KDQpQbGVhc2UgcHJpbnQgdGhlIGRvY3VtZW50IGF0 dGFjaGVkIGFuZCBzaWduIGl0IHR3aWNlICgqV2hlcmUgdGhlIHJlZCANCmFycm93cyBhcmUg aW4gdGhlIHBob3RvKiksIGF0IHRoZSByaWdodC1oYW5kIHNlY3Rpb24gd2hlcmUgaXQgc2F5 cyB5b3VyIA0KbmFtZSwgKCpQcmluY2lwYWwncyBBdXRob3JpemVkIFJlcHJlc2VudGF0aXZl KiksIGFuZCAqKFNpZ25hdHVyZSkgDQpBcHBsaWNhbnQqLg0KSGF2ZSBvbmUgd2l0bmVzcyAo dGhlIHBlcnNvbiB3aG8gb2JzZXJ2ZWQgeW91ciBzaWduaW5nKSBzaWduIHRoZSANCmRvY3Vt ZW50IGF0IHRoZSAqZmlyc3QgbGluZSogb24gdGhlIGxlZnQgKCpXaGVyZSB0aGUgZ3JlZW4g YXJyb3cgaXMgaW4gDQp0aGUgcGhvdG8gLSBJdCdzIGp1c3QgdGhlIHNpZ25hdHVyZSopLg0K DQpTZW5kIGl0IHRvIHVzIHJpZ2h0IGF3YXkgc28gd2UgY2FuIG1vdmUgZm9yd2FyZCB3aXRo IHRoZSBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi4NCg0KUmVnYXJkcywNCg0KQVBJIExvZ28NCglQYXRyaWNpYSBH YWxsb3RhDQozNDE5IEdhbHQgT2NlYW4gRHJpdmUsIFN1aXRlIEENCkZvcnQgTGF1ZGVyZGFs ZSwgRkzCoCAzMzMwOA0KOTU0LjU2Ny4wMDEzIFggMjggLSBPZmZpY2UNCjk1NC41NjcuMzQw MSAtIEZheA0Kd3d3LmFwaXByb2Nlc3NpbmcuY29tDQoNCg0KU3BlY2lhbGl6aW5nIGluIEZs b3JpZGEgJiBPdXQtT2YtIFN0YXRlIExpY2Vuc2luZyBmb3IgRWxlY3RyaWNhbCwgQWxhcm0s IA0KRmlyZSwgTGltaXRlZCBFbmVyZ3kgYW5kIGFsbCBDb25zdHJ1Y3Rpb24gUmVsYXRlZCBM aWNlbnNlcy4NCg0KRG9tZXN0aWMgJiBGb3JlaWduIENvcnBvcmF0aW9ucyBpbmNsdWRpbmcg UmVnaXN0ZXJlZCBBZ2VudCBTZXJ2aWNlcw0KDQpfV2UgYXJlIHByb3VkIHRvIG9mZmVyIHRo ZSBmb2xsb3dpbmcgYWRkaXRpb25hbCBzZXJ2aWNlczpfDQoNCjE0IEhvdXIgUmVxdWlyZWQg Q29udGludWluZyBFZHVjYXRpb24gZm9yIENJTEIgRGl2aXNpb24gSSAmIERpdmlzaW9uIElJ IA0KbGljZW5zZXMgLSBvbiBsaW5lIGNvdXJzZQ0KDQoxNCBIb3VyIEZpbmFuY2lhbCBTdGFi aWxpdHkgQm9uZCBDb3Vyc2UNCg0KQWxsIHJlcXVpcmVkIHN0YXRlIGJvbmRzDQoNCnd3dy5h cGljb250aW51aW5nZWR1Y2F0aW9uLmNvIDxodHRwOi8vd3d3LmFwaWNvbnRpbnVpbmdlZHVj YXRpb24uY29tPm0gDQo8aHR0cDovL3d3dy5hcGljb250aW51aW5nZWR1Y2F0aW9uLmNvbT4N Cg0KDQoNCi0tLS0tLS0tIEZvcndhcmRlZCBNZXNzYWdlIC0tLS0tLS0tDQpTdWJqZWN0OiAJ SW5kZW1uaWZpY2F0aW9uIEFncmVlbWVudCAtIEJlcmVuaWNlIFZhenF1ZXoNCkRhdGU6IAlU dWUsIDI0IFNlcCAyMDI0IDEwOjA1OjQxIC0wNDAwDQpGcm9tOiAJUGF0cmljaWEgR2FsbG90 YSA8cGF0cmljaWFAYXBpcHJvY2Vzc2luZy5jb20+DQpUbzogCWluZm9AYmVyZW5pY2V2YXpx dWV6LmNvbQ0KDQoNCg0KR29vZCBtb3JuaW5nIEJlcmVuaWNlLA0KDQpQbGVhc2UgcHJpbnQg dGhlIGRvY3VtZW50IGF0dGFjaGVkIGFuZCBzaWduIGl0IHR3aWNlICgqV2hlcmUgdGhlIHJl ZCANCmFycm93cyBhcmUgaW4gdGhlIHBob3RvKiksIGF0IHRoZSByaWdodC1oYW5kIHNlY3Rp b24gd2hlcmUgaXQgc2F5cyB5b3VyIA0KbmFtZSwgKCpQcmluY2lwYWwncyBBdXRob3JpemVk IFJlcHJlc2VudGF0aXZlKiksIGFuZCAqKFNpZ25hdHVyZSkgDQpBcHBsaWNhbnQqLg0KSGF2 ZSBvbmUgd2l0bmVzcyAodGhlIHBlcnNvbiB3aG8gb2JzZXJ2ZWQgeW91ciBzaWduaW5nKSBz aWduIHRoZSANCmRvY3VtZW50IGF0IHRoZSAqZmlyc3QgbGluZSogb24gdGhlIGxlZnQgKCpX aGVyZSB0aGUgZ3JlZW4gYXJyb3cgaXMgaW4gDQp0aGUgcGhvdG8gLSBJdCdzIGp1c3QgdGhl IHNpZ25hdHVyZSopLg0KDQpTZW5kIGl0IHRvIHVzIHJpZ2h0IGF3YXkgc28gd2UgY2FuIG1v dmUgZm9yd2FyZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi4NCg0KUmVnYXJkcywNCg0KLS0gDQpB UEkgTG9nbw0KCVBhdHJpY2lhIEdhbGxvdGENCjM0MTkgR2FsdCBPY2VhbiBEcml2ZSwgU3Vp

The email goes on like this for a while and ends with some more header info.

Asked by RangerDave 1 herinandro lasa

Last reply by RangerDave 4 andro lasa

I can read an email easily enough but if I try to print it on paper, the font is too small.

I can't find a setting to adjust the print size of an email anywhere. I've tried searching for the answer online but all I find is how to increase the font size on the s… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

I can't find a setting to adjust the print size of an email anywhere. I've tried searching for the answer online but all I find is how to increase the font size on the screen. I want to increase it on a sheet of paper.

Asked by Jay Hanig 4 andro lasa

Last reply by Jay Hanig 4 andro lasa

can't send e-mails

When I open my Thunderbird e-mail on my PC, I immediately receive a pop-up saying "failed to connect to server" Hosp Papa is a web site manager that I… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

When I open my Thunderbird e-mail on my PC, I immediately receive a pop-up saying "failed to connect to server" Hosp Papa is a web site manager that I use, not a server, at least that is what I was told when I called them about the issue. I ignored it for a while and everything worked, but now I can't send e-mails. I can receive no problem. I have a business to operate, and it is getting very difficult when I cannot receive e-mails. Can you please tell me what to do? How do I find out what version of Thunderbird I have? Thanks! Bev

Asked by bev12 4 andro lasa

All messages are gone on Local Folders Thunderbird 115.15.0

Hi guys, yesterday after trying to search for a message on my local folders suddenly all the messages dissapeared, the folder structure remains but the messages stored on… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Hi guys, yesterday after trying to search for a message on my local folders suddenly all the messages dissapeared, the folder structure remains but the messages stored on them are gone. I've checked if it was a hard disk problem but it's OK, I ran a recovery software but couldn't find any message. I had 5 years of mail stored on local folders and now are lost. I've found in forums the same problems with Thunderbird v115.15.0. Is any way to recover the messages?

I would appreciate any help with this.


Asked by Percy 4 andro lasa

older thunderbird app with outlook fails with an error during authorization indicating app not enabled

With the recent "drive" by microsoft to "2 step auth" (ie.oauth2) and its final steps of implementation, my older imac (ios 10.11) which was working with thunderbird (78.… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

With the recent "drive" by microsoft to "2 step auth" (ie.oauth2) and its final steps of implementation, my older imac (ios 10.11) which was working with thunderbird (78.14.0 (64-bit)) now can not handle my outlook email account. During the process and adding back the account, you jump thru most of the setup and authorizing steps but it ultimately fails with the following

"AADSTS7000112: Application '08162f7c-0fd2-4200-a84a-f25a4db0b584'(Thunderbird) is disabled."

I guess there is some older version checks that have diabled this app??????

I am not able to update to any newer tbird version because of the "dated" imac. Is it possible to cause the app to be enabled somewhere in azure or whereever this check is done?

I know my system is old but so am I ... :-) Any guidance on how to get this working again would me much appreciated . I tried both "pop and "imap" settings but both resulted in the same error.

Asked by budwich 5 andro lasa

Last reply by budwich 4 andro lasa

reply messages

I do not have any problem sending messages that I originate, but when I reply to a received email the message that I send appears in my inbox, but does not get sent to th… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

I do not have any problem sending messages that I originate, but when I reply to a received email the message that I send appears in my inbox, but does not get sent to the intended recipient. Can you suggest a solution to that problem?

Asked by roystallard 4 andro lasa

'Correspondent' or 'From' name is changed on emails coming in from our own website 'submit'.

When viewers submit a form on our website, the incoming email usually appears as subject 'quote request' with their name as the 'correspondent'. But since 2 days ago ever… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

When viewers submit a form on our website, the incoming email usually appears as subject 'quote request' with their name as the 'correspondent'. But since 2 days ago every 'quote request' is showing the same name as 'correspondent', the name of another customer we have been emailing back and forth with. He was originally a 'quote request' from about 4 or 5 months ago. It has changed to this name on every quote request email we have on the system, even going back 12 months! I know this is not a TB problem because it has only happened on our laptop, all the quote requests are still showing correct names on TB on our PC. So, it would appear that we have inadvertently clicked on something. Any ideas what we could have done wrong and, more importantly, how we can undo it? thanks Chris

Asked by chris119 4 andro lasa

Last reply by chris119 4 andro lasa

Quick Filter Bar missing progress spinner

Hello from Croatia! When using the "Quick Filter Bar" search, the older version of Thunderbird before the big update had a progress spinner which indicated the search is … (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Hello from Croatia! When using the "Quick Filter Bar" search, the older version of Thunderbird before the big update had a progress spinner which indicated the search is still in progress when, and that spinner is missing now. With a lot of emails in folders, it would help a lot to have this spinner back. Screenshot with previous location of spinner attached. Thanks for reading! Danijel

Asked by fazhek 4 andro lasa

Email download

I have 2 email accounts on Thunderbird, both with the same ISP. I can get messages delivered to the inbox of my main account but Thunderbird no longer searches the serve… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

I have 2 email accounts on Thunderbird, both with the same ISP. I can get messages delivered to the inbox of my main account but Thunderbird no longer searches the server for messages on the secondary account. Both accounts are set up in Thunderbird with identical settings.

I have been online and read the support suggestions on how to resolve this but it hasn't worked. Support suggested it may be that the password has changed and advised me to remove the password from settings and next time I open Thunderbird I will be asked for my password. This did not happen. I removed the password from the account which is not downloading to my inbox and when I reopened Thunderbird I was not asked for the new password. However I can send emails from this secondary account.

I have checked webmail and there are definitely messages waiting there to download.

My main Thunderbird email (the one that is downloading messages to my inbox) is not the one showing on this log in.

Asked by anabel.parbury 4 andro lasa

Sent Folders, etc. Disappeared

Yesterday, my work email showed all the folders associated with my email: Inbox, Sent, Drafts, etc. Today, all that shows is Inbox and Deleted Items. How can I regain acc… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Yesterday, my work email showed all the folders associated with my email: Inbox, Sent, Drafts, etc. Today, all that shows is Inbox and Deleted Items. How can I regain access to those missing folders?

Asked by smorin1 5 andro lasa

Marked message highlighting

When I mark messages for deletion or other operations they are highlighted using a shade of gray which is almost indiscernible from the other gray shades used for message… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

When I mark messages for deletion or other operations they are highlighted using a shade of gray which is almost indiscernible from the other gray shades used for messages in the message list. How can I change the highlight color? In K-9 it's pink and it stands out clearly.

Thunderbird for Android 8.0b1 Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G/Android 14/One UI 6.1

Asked by dennis107 5 andro lasa

Thunderbird is not downloading new email

Thunderbird 128.2.3esr on my Windows 11 desktop is not downloading new email and unable to 'copying message to sent folder'. I first noticed this the morning of 9/30/24,… (hamaky bebe kokoa)

Thunderbird 128.2.3esr on my Windows 11 desktop is not downloading new email and unable to 'copying message to sent folder'. I first noticed this the morning of 9/30/24, unaware of any settings or updates that occurred over the weekend that would effect this. I am able to send emails.

Asked by NW7007 5 andro lasa