stop load all tabs
Is there any way to stop all tabs from loading in an emergency if by some mistake a large number of tabs are reloaded? If not, where is the proper place to request the ability to stop all tabs from loading?
If, for some reason, there are more than three orders of magnitude of reloaded tabs, you will either be stuck waiting for them to finish loading for a long time, or worse, they will eat up resources and crash the browser, causing you to lose tabs and not even know what tabs you opened and for what purpose. To avoid such a situation, we want a function to save URLs that are about to be loaded in the browser in an emergency and stop all loading for the time being.
In case my English is not what you intended, here is the Japanese.
何らかの原因で、再読み込みされたタブが三桁以上ある場合、長時間操作できず読み込みが終わるのを待ち続けるか、最悪、リソースを食い潰しブラウザ自体がクラッシュしてしまい、タブを失うことになり、どの目的で開いたどんなタブだったかすら判らなくなってしまいます。 そういった事態を避けたいため、緊急的にブラウザに読み込もうとしているURLは保存し、全ての読み込みをとりあえず止める機能を欲しています。