Hvordan skrive ut nettsider fra Firefox

Firefox Firefox Opprettet:

Lær mer om hvordan du skriver ut nettsider ved å bruke utskriftfunksjonene i Firefox.

Note: If a web page is available in Reader View, you can print a simplified version of the page by clicking the Reader View icon reader mode icon 57 in the address bar, before printing. This will save paper and ink by removing clutter such as ads and background images. To learn more, see Skriv ut forenklede, støyfrie sider fra Firefox.

Skriv ut en nettside

  1. Klikk på menyknappen Bildet "fx57menu" finnes ikke. og så på Skriv ut ….
    • Dette åpner forhåndsvisningen for siden.
  2. Velg utskriftsinnstillingene:
    • Mål: Bruk nedtrekksmenyen til å velge hvilken enhet eller filtype å skrive ut til eller å lagre. Velg Lagre til PDF i nedtrekksmenyen for å lagre forhåndsvisningen som en PDF fil.
    • Eksemplarer: Velg hvor mange kopier å skrive ut (vises for skrivere og faxmaskiner).
    • Papirretning: Velg mellom stående og liggende papirretning for utskriften.
    • Sider: Velg hvilke sider du vil skriver ut.
    • Fargemodus: Velg om du vil skrive ut i farger eller svart-hvit (ikke alle skrivere har dette valget).
    • Flere innstillinger: Utvid dette avsnittet for å se flere valg, som Papirstørrelse, Skalering, Sider per ark, Marger, Format (Original eller Forenklet, om tilgjengelig), Skriv ut topptekst og bunntekst og Skriv ut bakgrunner. (Hvis du velger Forenklet under Format, vil du ikke kunne velge Skriv ut bakgrunner.)
  3. Etter du er ferdig med innstillingene, klikker du på Skriv ut for å starte utskrift.

We have been gradually rolling out this improved print menu since Firefox version 82. If you do not see the new print menu described above, follow these alternative instructions:

Print a web page (alternative instructions)

  1. Click the menu button Bildet "fx57menu" finnes ikke. and then click Print….
    Print Fx65 Win
  2. In the Print Preview window that opens, adjust settings for what you're about to print, if necessary. See Print window settings below for information on what settings can be changed.
  3. Click PrintOK to start printing.
  1. Click the menu button Bildet "fx57menu" finnes ikke. and then click Print… to open the "print" menu.
    Print Fx65 Win
  2. Adjust the settings as necessary. For more advanced settings click Show Details. See the "Default 'Print' Menu" and "'Print' Menu with Details Shown" sections for information on what settings can be changed.
  3. After adjusting the settings, click Print to start printing.

Print preview settings

Print Preview 65


Page Setup:


  • Navigate to different pages by entering a page number or using the arrows.


  • To try and make the web page fit on fewer sheets of printed paper, you can adjust the scale. Shrink To Fit automatically adjusts the scale.


  • Select Portrait for most documents and web pages.
  • Select Landscape for very wide pages and images.

Simplify Page:

  • Select Simplify Page to remove clutter and save paper and ink when printing web pages. Remove unwanted ads, unrelated text and images, and blank spaces from the page to print your content on fewer pages. If this is available for the web page you're on, it will be black and clickable. Otherwise, it will be greyed out.

Print window settings

The windows 10 print window

Select Printer section:

  • Choose the printer you want from the list. You can move the slider below to see more printers.
Note: The default printer is usually Microsoft Print to PDF. When a web page is printed with the selected printer, it becomes the new default printer.
  • Click on Preferences to change the paper size, print quality, and other settings specific to your printer.

Print range section: Lets you specify which pages of the current web page are printed:

  • Select All to print everything.
  • Select Pages and enter either a range of pages or a single page. For example, "1" prints only the first page and "3-5" prints the pages from 3 to 5.
  • Select Selection to print only the part of the page you've highlighted.

Copies section: Lets you specify how many duplicates you want to print.

  • If you enter more than 1 in the Number of copies field, you can also choose whether to collate them. For example, if you choose to make two copies and select Collate, they will print in the order 1,2,3,1,2,3. Otherwise, they will print in the order 1,1,2,2,3,3.
Note: The following settings are saved as Firefox preferences on a per-printer basis.

Changing the page setup

win page setup

Format and Options

The Format & Options tab allows you to change:


  • Select Portrait for most documents and web pages.
  • Select Landscape for very wide pages and images.

Scale: To try to make the web page fit on fewer sheets of printer paper, you can adjust the scale. Shrink to fit automatically adjusts the scale.

Options: Select Print Background (colors & images) to have Firefox print backgrounds for web pages. Otherwise, Firefox leaves page backgrounds white.

Margins and Header/Footer

print margins 57

The Margins & Header/Footer tab allows you to change:

Margins: You can enter the width of the page margins for the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the page separately.

Headers & Footers: Use the dropdown menus to select what appears on the printed page. The top-left dropdown box's value appears at the top-left corner of the page; the top-center dropdown box's value appears at the top-center portion of the page and so on. Choose from:

  • --blank--: Nothing will be printed.
  • Title: Print the title of the page.
  • URL: Print the web address of the page.
  • Date/Time: Print the date and time when the page was printed.
  • Page #: Print the page number.
  • Page # of #: Print the page number and total number of pages.
  • Custom...: Enter your own header or footer text. This can be used to show a company or organization name at the top or bottom of every printed page.

Click OK to finish making changes and close the Page Setup window.

Default "Print" Menu

The default print menu is what shows up before you click Show Details. This shows basic information for taking a page and printing as is, customizable settings:

  • Printer: By clicking on the drop-down menu, you can select a printer to print from.
  • Presets: Here you can select a preset for your printer to use when printing.
  • Copies: This allows you to pick how many copies of the printed page you would like. It is followed by a checkmark so that you can decide if you want to print single, or double-sided.
  • Pages: This allows you to choose what pages you would like to print.

"Print" Menu with Details Shown

This is the print menu with both the default settings and more advanced settings that you can change. While the top section of this "Print" menu stays the same, the bottom section can be changed to show different settings by changing your selection in the drop-down menu around the middle of the menu. In the top section you can to change:

  • Paper Size: Here you can select something different should you not be printing on the standard US Letter paper size.
  • Orientation: Choose between portrait or landscape orientation.
  • Scale: This changes how big or small the web page appears when printed.

As the bottom section varies based on what is selected in the dropdown menu, these sections are laid out below.


This section has options made possible specifically by Firefox:

  • Option: Here you can choose to print the chosen selection only, and you can inform the printer to alter the scaling so that the printed image fills the width of the page.
  • Appearance: This gives you the choice of printing background colors/images.
  • Page Headers/Footers: This allows you to alter the header and footer of the page(s) printed using the selections from the drop-down menu.


This section has options on how the printer should print the web page(s) on each page:

  • Pages per Sheet: This tells the printer how many web pages, or duplicates of the web page, should be placed on each sheet of paper.
  • Layout Direction: This tells the printer what order the web pages should be printed in.
  • Border: This allows you to choose a border in which the web page(s) will be contained.
  • Two Sided: This allows you to choose where room should be made on a page for binding. As well as the option to flip or reverse page orientation.

Paper Handling

This section controls how the web page is printed. It has the following settings.

  • Collate Pages: An option to tell your printer to organize pages by signature.
  • Pages to Print: Choose what pages should be printed.
  • Page Order: A section to let you decide how to order the printed pages.
  • Destination Paper Size: What size of paper to be printed on to.

Cover page

This section allows you to print a cover page before or after the printed pages.

Water Mark

This section allows you to add a watermark to what you print, choose what the watermark will be, and pick where on the page(s) the watermark will be.

Supply Levels

Should your printer be able to provide your computer with this information, this section will inform you of the device's current supply levels.

Avanserte tips

  • Om du vil redigere nettsiden før utskrift, kan du bruke en utvidelse fra Firefox Add-ons som for eksempel Print Edit WE.
  • For å skrive ut et enkelt bilde fra en nettside, høyreklikker du på det og velger Vis bildeÅpne bilde i ny fane eller View Background Image, og så skriver du det ut som beskrevet i instruksjonene over.
  • Nettsider kan ha innstillinger som gjør at de ser annerledes ut på papir enn de gjør på skjermen, så du må ikke bli overrasket om noe endrer seg.

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