Relay Phone Masking FAQ

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay Última atualização: 07/31/2024 40% de usuários consideraram isto útil
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Do I need to install an app to use ⁨Relay Phone Masking?

No, Relay Phone Masking works using your device’s standard text messaging and calling apps.

How many phone masks do I get?

You only get one phone number mask at this time. Once you choose your phone number mask, you cannot change it later.

How do I save the ⁨Relay⁩ contact card?

Once you upgrade to Relay Phone Masking, we will text you a contact card that contains the number from which you will receive forwarded texts, similar to any contact card that stores the phone number of people who contact you. On most devices, you can select that contact card and save it like any other contact on your phone.

What is text forwarding?

When a text message is sent to your relay number, it will forward to your true phone number.

What are text replies/conversations?

When you reply to a forwarded message from your Relay number, Relay will forward your reply to the last number that texted you.

What kinds of texts will be forwarded?

Only SMS text messages can be forwarded. MMS texts that include photos, videos, etc. will not be forwarded.

What is call forwarding?

When a call is made to your relay number, it will forward to your true phone number.

Can I make calls from my Relay number?

No. Similar to email masks, Relay Phone Masking only protects your true phone number when responding to messages or answering phone calls.

Does a Relay Premium subscription include phone masking or is it a separate service?

Relay Phone Masking is a separate premium service, and is not initially included with Relay email masking subscription.

Can I change my true phone number after registering it?

You cannot change your true phone number by yourself after you register it. Please contact support for assistance.

Should I add my Relay Phone number to my contacts?

In your welcome text message, a contact card will be included containing your Relay Phone number. You can import this card into your contacts application for convenience and to help identify forwarded Relay forwarded text messages.

Importing contacts can be different depending on your mobile device and contacts application; however, tapping on the contact card attachment in the welcome text message should begin the process. For additional information on importing contacts, please refer to your device's manual.

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