Customizing Firefox on MacOS using configuration profiles

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Criado: 10/05/2019 5% de utilizadores votaram que isto é útil

This article is intended for IT administrators who wish to set up Firefox on the computers within their organization.

On MacOS, policy support is implemented using a properties list file or .plist file that can be configured to customize policies. You can then convert this file to a configuration profile in order to deploy it to your managed computers.

To customize Firefox on MacOS using configuration profiles:

  1. Download the MacOS package from
  2. Edit the file org.mozilla.firefox.plist per your desired customizations and save it.
  3. Convert org.mozilla.firefox.plist to a configuration profile.
    This can be done using mcxToProfile.

Alternatively, you can use Profile Creator to create your configuration profiles.

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