What's new in Firefox for iOS (version 37)

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Criado: 38% de utilizadores votaram que isto é útil
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Welcome to a new version of Firefox for iOS. This release comes with the following improvements and features:

Redesign of the Enhanced Tracking Protection menu

We made improvements to the Enhanced Tracking Protection menu (lock icon Padlock Fx89) to give you more information and control over the security of the websites you visit.


Easy access to the Home page

To give you quick access to your Home page, you will now find the Home button in the toolbar. iOSHome_Toolbar

Add accounts to the password manager

Now you can manually add credentials to the password manager.

Start on Home Page

Firefox will start on your Home page every time you reopen the browser after a couple of hours to avoid distracting you with the tabs of your last session.

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