How do I cancel my subscription to Mozilla VPN?

Mozilla Account, Mozilla VPN Mozilla Account, Mozilla VPN Ultima actualizare: 20% of users voted this helpful
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At any point, you have the option to terminate your Mozilla VPN subscription. By doing so, the auto-renewal feature will be disabled and your VPN service will cease to function upon the conclusion of your subscription period.

Canceling your subscription won't delete your Mozilla account. In case you don't have other Mozilla services linked to your Mozilla account and wish to delete it, check How do I delete my Mozilla account? for details.

Visit your Subscription settings on the Mozilla accounts page or access it through the VPN app doing the following:

  1. Open Mozilla VPN.
  2. Select the Settings vpn settings icon icon.
  3. Select the Account option.
  4. The panel that opens next displays more details about your subscription (you may have to sign in first).
  5. At the bottom, select Manage subscription.
    Manage subscription
  6. Sign in to your Mozilla account.
    Sign in
  7. Your Mozilla accounts Subscriptions page will open.
  8. Select Cancel next to Mozilla VPN to terminate your subscription.
    Cancel vpn
Note: If you purchased the Mozilla VPN subscription through Apple App Store or Google Play Store, your purchase is subject to the store's terms and conditions for terminations. Check the links below for details on how to request a refund on each platform:

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