How to sign in to Mozilla VPN

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN Ultima actualizare: 04/02/2024 25% of users voted this helpful
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Mozilla VPN helps keep your online privacy and security in check by encrypting your internet traffic and hiding your IP address from websites and trackers. To get started, all you need is a Mozilla account and an active subscription. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to log in to Mozilla VPN and enjoy a more secure and private browsing experience:

  1. Open the Mozilla VPN app on your device.
  2. Select Already a subscriber? at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter the email address for your Mozilla account and select Continue.
    How to log in 2
  4. Enter your password and select Sign in. If you have enabled two-step authentication for your account, you may also need to enter a security code from your authentication app.
    How to log in 4
  5. You will be taken throu the onboarding process starting with the Data secction.
    VPN Share data
  6. On the Privacy section, slide the toggle to select what you want to allow and click Next.
    Onboarding privacy
  7. On the Device section. select your device type and click Next.
    Devices updated
  8. Select if you want Mozilla VPN to connect on start up and click Getting started to complete the set up.
    Onboarding get started

All set! You have successfully signed in to Mozilla VPN and will enjoy a more secure and private browsing experience moving forward.

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