Meet the Team

Contributors Contributors Ultima actualizare: 03/25/2024 88% of users voted this helpful
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Mozilla Support (SUMO)

Mozilla Support ( is a global community of many enthusiastic and dedicated people whose passion is to help all users of Mozilla's software and products. SUMO operates on the same principle that Mozilla does: a core of staff coordinating the operations and an army of contributors powering them.

For the full list of SUMO contributors click here!

Customer Experience (CX) Staff/Administrators

  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • Anything related to the support strategy for Mozilla’s products, including Pocket
Ask me about:
  • Program management, content, and social support strategy
  • Finding efficiencies, process documentation, and anything related to conceptualizing ideas and bringing them to life through insights and execution


  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • anything about SUMO Community
  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • anything about SUMO Community


  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • Anything about the Knowledge Base
  • KB localization
Ask me about:
  • Support content strategy
  • Help center/knowledge base
  • Localization & community
  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • Writing, editing, reviewing, and updating support articles


  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • Writing, editing, reviewing, and updating support articles


  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • SUMO platform a.k.a Kitsune
  • Contributing to Kitsune
  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • SUMO platform a.k.a Kitsune
  • Contributing to Kitsune
Ask me about:
  • SUMO platform a.k.a Kitsune
  • Anything data
  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • Anything QA related
  • Playwright tests
Ask me about:
  • Anything UI/UX related

Support Operations

  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • Developing and optimizing support processes for both paid and free Firefox products
  • Release management and insight reporting collaboration with Firefox product teams
Ask me about:
  • Customer feedback loops and reporting
  • Ranked customer issues and feature requests for product prioritization
Ask me about:
  • All things Pocket: Responding to users via email (help scout) social media, app reviews, Pocket help articles, and more
  • Matrix:
Ask me about:
  • Mozilla premium product support
  • Mozilla VPN, other premium products
Ask me about:
  • Mobile support (Google Play Store, AppStore)
Ask me about:
  • Mobile support (Google Play Store, AppStore)
Ask me about:
  • Mobile support (Google Play Store, AppStore)

SUMO Community

SUMO Community members are the global army of contributors behind SUMO's international presence and success. We rock the helpful web!

Knowledge Base contributors

Forum contributors

Localization contributors

SUMO Localizers are members of the community who make SUMO available in many languages used around the world. We bring meaning to everyone!

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