Firefox Notes status

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Firefox Notes will shut down on November 1st, 2020. To learn more, see this Mozilla Blog post. Three important changes will occur on this date:

  • The Notes by Firefox browser extension will no longer receive performance or security updates and, if you remove it from Firefox, you will not be able to reinstall it.
  • The Notes Android app will cease to function.
  • Notes syncing will no longer be available.

Will I lose my notes?

No. We recommend you take the following actions prior to November 1st:

  1. If you are using Notes across multiple devices, make sure your notes are synced.
  2. Export notes to HTML:
  • Export all notes: Click the 3-dot menu at the bottom of the Notes sidebar and choose Export All Notes.
    export notes
  • Export a specific note: If you only wish to export specific notes, open the note you want to export, click the 3-dot menu ... and choose Export as HTML.
  1. export html notes

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