What should I do if I'm redirected to the Firefox Relay FAQ when clicking a link within an email?

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay Ultima actualizare: 04/05/2024
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After enabling the Remove Email Trackers option, you might experience unexpected behavior when clicking certain links and images in emails forwarded to you by Relay. This happens because, to protect your privacy, Relay replaces URLs where trackers are found with a redirect to our FAQ page, preventing these trackers from obtaining information about you.

As a workaround for using these URLs, you can try the following:

  1. If the URL is visible in the email body:
    Just copy and paste it into your browser's address bar.
  2. If the URL isn't visible in the email body:
    Open the email as plain text to access the unedited URLs.
Note: You will need to consult your email provider's documentation on how to open emails as plain text, as each provider is different. Relay targets pixel trackers and replaces HTML content when trackers are found, but the plain text content will remain intact.

You can also disable tracker removal. However, this option will disable URL replacement exclusively for future emails and won't affect messages you've already received. To do so:

  1. Click the Relay icon in the toolbar.
  2. Click Manage all masks.
  3. In the Relay dashboard, click your user profile at the top right.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Uncheck the box next to Remove Email Trackers.
  6. Click Save.

Relay disable tracker block

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