Grant camera access to Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Vytvorené: 09/01/2020 32% používateľov považuje toto za užitočné
Tento článok zatiaľ nikto nepreložil. Ak máte s prekladmi na SUMO skúsenosti, môžete ho teraz preložiť. Ak by ste sa chceli dozvedieť, ako sa články na SUMO prekladajú, začnite prosím tu.

Firefox's built-in QR code reader lets you visit web pages scanned from a QR code when available. Firefox will need access to your camera in order to scan codes. Here's how to change it in your settings:

  1. Open your Android settings by tapping the Settings app on your device.
  2. Tap Apps & notifications (this might have a different label on your version of Android).
  3. Tap Firefox.
  4. Tap Permissions.
  5. Tap Camera.
  6. Tap Allow.
  7. Close out of the Settings app, reopen Firefox and scan the QR code.

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