Porovnanie revízií

Edit a Knowledge Base article

Revízia 280039:

Revízia 280039 od používateľa AliceWyman zo dňa

Revízia 280613:

Revízia 280613 od používateľa Mozinet zo dňa

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How to edit Mozilla Support articles.
How to edit Mozilla Support articles.


Keeping Knowledge Base articles up-to-date and error-free are crucial tasks for knowledge base editors. Here's how to edit an article: __TOC__ = Open the Editing page = Sign in to Mozilla Support, find an article you wish to edit and find '''Editing Tools''' on the top right side of the page. ;[[Image:KB article Editing Tools]] = Edit content = Choose one of these methods to open the article's ''Editing Content'' page: * To base your edit on the currently approved article revision, click {button Edit Article} under Editing Tools. * To base your edit on a previous revision or a pending, unreviewed revision, click {button Show History} under Editing Tools and click the pencil icon next to the revision you wish to edit. ;[[Image:SUMO-ShowHistoryUnreviewed]] * To edit the content of an archived article, click {button Show History} under Editing Tools, click the Revision date and click ''Edit article based on this revision''. To edit the content of an article: # Make your changes in the '''Content:''' text box of the ''Editing Content'' page. #;[[Image:Textbox2]] # Click {button Preview Content} or {button Preview Changes} at the bottom of the page, if you wish, then # Click {button Submit for Review}. # In the ''Submit Your Changes'' dialog box that appears, describe your changes and click {button Submit}.<br> [[Image:KBedit-SubmitChanges]] # Wait for a reviewer to approve your changes. == Keywords (reviewers only) == If you have permission to review articles, the ''Editing Content'' page will include a ''Keywords'' field for improving search results. See [[When and how to use keywords to improve an article's search ranking]]. = Edit Description (reviewers only) = If you have permission to review articles, use the {button Edit Article Metadata} button under Editing Tools to open the ''Editing Metadata'' page. ;[[Image:KB-EditArticleMetadata]] This is where you can * Change an article's title, slug, category, ''Relevant to:'' product and topics * Archive or un-archive an article (''Obsolete:'' checkbox) * Allow or disable article discussion (''Allow discussion on this article?'' checkbox) * Add or remove a ''Needs change:'' entry or comment * Change ''Related documents:'' entries ;[[Image:KB-SaveDescription]] After making your changes, click {button Save description}; otherwise, your changes will not be saved. = More information = * For help writing articles, see [[Writing guide for Knowledge Base articles]]. * To learn how to create a new article, see [[Create a new Knowledge Base article]]. * For reviewer guidelines, see [[Article review and approval guidelines]].
Keeping Knowledge Base articles up-to-date and error-free are crucial tasks for knowledge base editors. Here's how to edit an article: __TOC__ = Open the Editing page = Sign in to Mozilla Support, find an article you wish to edit and find '''Editing Tools''' on the top right side of the page. ;[[Image:KB article Editing Tools]] = Edit content = Choose one of these methods to open the article's ''Editing Content'' page: * To base your edit on the currently approved article revision, click {button Edit Article} under ''Editing Tools''. * To base your edit on a previous revision or a pending, unreviewed revision, click {button Show History} under ''Editing Tools'' and click the pencil icon next to the revision you wish to edit. ;[[Image:SUMO-ShowHistoryUnreviewed]] * To edit the content of an archived article, click {button Show History} under ''Editing Tools'', click the Revision date and click '''Edit article based on this revision'''. To edit the content of an article: # Make your changes in the '''Content:''' text box of the ''Editing Content'' page. #;[[Image:Textbox2]] # Click {button Preview Content} or {button Preview Changes} at the bottom of the page, if you wish, then. # Click {button Submit for Review}. # In the ''Submit Your Changes'' dialog box that appears, describe your changes and click {button Submit}.<br>[[Image:KBedit-SubmitChanges]] # Wait for a reviewer to approve your changes. == Keywords (reviewers only) == If you have permission to review articles, the ''Editing Content'' page will include a '''Keywords''' field for improving search results. See [[When and how to use keywords to improve an article's search ranking]]. = Edit Description (reviewers only) = If you have permission to review articles, use the {button Edit Article Metadata} button under ''Editing Tools'' to open the ''Editing Metadata'' page. ;[[Image:KB-EditArticleMetadata]] This is where you can: * Change an article's title, slug, category, ''Relevant to:'' product and topics. * Archive or un-archive an article (''Obsolete:'' checkbox). * Allow or disable article discussion (''Allow discussion on this article?'' checkbox). * Add or remove a ''Needs change:'' entry or comment. * Change ''Related documents:'' entries. ;[[Image:KB-SaveDescription]] After making your changes, click {button Save description}; otherwise, your changes will not be saved. = More information = * For help writing articles, see [[Writing guide for Knowledge Base articles]]. * To learn how to create a new article, see [[Create a new Knowledge Base article]]. * For reviewer guidelines, see [[Article review and approval guidelines]].

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