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Enable background updates on Firefox for Windows when Firefox is not running

Revízia 238532:

Revízia 238532 od používateľa AliceWyman zo dňa

Revízia 285895:

Revízia 285895 od používateľa AliceWyman zo dňa

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On Windows, you can set Firefox to update in the background even when it isn't running, so you always have the latest version. Learn more.
On Windows, you can set Firefox to update in the background even when it isn't running, so you always have the latest version. Learn more.


{for not win}[[T:WindowsOnly]]{/for} Firefox version 90 introduced a new background updates feature for Windows that checks for, downloads, and installs Firefox updates in the background, even when Firefox is not running. This way, you will have the latest available version of Firefox, every time you open the browser. This feature was released gradually and is now included in [[Find what version of Firefox you are using|Firefox version]] 94 and above. The background updates feature adds a ''Firefox Background Update'' entry <!--https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1343669 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1687777 --> to the Windows Task Scheduler that, when enabled, will check for Firefox updates every 7 hours when the browser is not in use. On Windows, there will now be fewer interruptions because, when background updates are enabled, Firefox won’t prompt you for updates. Instead, a background agent will download and install updates even if Firefox is closed. <!-- https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/94.0/releasenotes/--> To enable or disable this functionality, follow the steps below: #Click on the Firefox menu [[Image:Fx89menuButton]] button and click on {menu Settings}. #In the {menu General} panel, scroll down to the ''Firefox Updates'' section. #;[[Image:Fx94UpdateSettings-win]] #Select {menu Automatically install updates (recommended)} and underneath that setting, check or uncheck the box next to {menu When Firefox is not running} to enable or disable background updates. {note}'''Note:''' You can also disable background updates by selecting {menu Check for updates but let you choose to install them}; however, this turns off automatic updates and is not recommended.{/note} '''Requirements to run:''' The Background Updates feature has a few requirements to be able to run. *Firefox must have been installed with the installer (not from, for example, a ZIP). *The [[What is the Mozilla Maintenance Service?|Mozilla Maintenance Service]] must be usable (installed and not disabled). When installing with the Firefox installer, this is the default. *Firefox must have a default [[Profile Manager - Create, remove or switch Firefox profiles|profile]], and it must run using that profile at least once after the feature is enabled. *Firefox must not have a language pack installed. *[[Connection settings in Firefox|Firefox connection settings]] must be configured to use the system proxy (this is the default). '''More information:''' To learn more, see Mozilla's [https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/toolkit/mozapps/update/docs/BackgroundUpdates.html Background Updates — Firefox Source Docs documentation].
{for not win}[[T:WindowsOnly]]{/for} Firefox includes a background updates feature for Windows that checks for, downloads, and installs Firefox updates in the background, even when Firefox is not running. This way, you will have the latest available version of Firefox, every time you open the browser. The background updates feature adds a ''Firefox Background Update'' entry <!--https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1343669 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1687777 --> to the Windows Task Scheduler that, when enabled, will check for Firefox updates every 7 hours when the browser is not in use. On Windows, there will now be fewer interruptions because, when background updates are enabled, Firefox won’t prompt you for updates. Instead, a background agent will download and install updates even if Firefox is closed. <!-- https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/94.0/releasenotes/--> To enable or disable this functionality, follow the steps below: #Click on the Firefox menu [[Image:Fx89menuButton]] button and click on {menu Settings}. #In the {menu General} panel, scroll down to the ''Firefox Updates'' section. #;[[Image:Fx94UpdateSettings-win]] #Select {menu Automatically install updates (recommended)} and underneath that setting, check or uncheck the box next to {menu When Firefox is not running} to enable or disable background updates. {note}'''Note:''' You can also disable background updates by selecting {menu Check for updates but let you choose to install them}; however, this turns off automatic updates and is not recommended.{/note} The background updates feature has a few requirements to be able to run. *Firefox must have been installed with the installer (not from, for example, a ZIP). *The [[What is the Mozilla Maintenance Service?|Mozilla Maintenance Service]] must be usable (installed and not disabled). When installing with the Firefox installer, this is the default. *Firefox must have a default [[Profile Manager - Create, remove or switch Firefox profiles|profile]], and it must run using that profile at least once after the feature is enabled. *Firefox must not have a language pack installed. *[[Connection settings in Firefox|Firefox connection settings]] must be configured to use the system proxy (this is the default). To learn more about this feature, see Mozilla's [https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/toolkit/mozapps/update/docs/BackgroundUpdates.html Background Updates — Firefox Source Docs documentation].

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