Porovnanie revízií

Forum Response - Orbit (beta)

Revízia 285279:

Revízia 285279 od používateľa kelimutu zo dňa

Revízia 285281:

Revízia 285281 od používateľa dkelly2 zo dňa

Kľúčové slová:

Výsledky vyhľadávania:

Canned response for Orbit beta
Canned response for Orbit beta


Mozilla Support doesn’t offer any support for [https://orbitbymozilla.com/ Orbit] while in the beta version. But feedback can be sent anonymously from within the product (Settings > Get in touch) or sent via email to orbit-feedback@mozilla[dot]com.
Support for [https://orbitbymozilla.com/ Orbit] while in the beta version is not offered at this time. However, feedback can be sent anonymously from within the product (Settings > Get in touch) or sent via email to orbit-feedback@mozilla[dot]com.

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