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Mozilla Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak.
Mozilla Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak.


Mozilla Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak. Using the [https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Have I Been Pwned] database, Mozilla Monitor keeps track of known data breaches and notifies you if your online accounts are compromised, providing guidance on how to proactively protect yourself going forward. =Check if you've been part of a known breach= To see if your online accounts have been exposed in a data breach: #Open your web browser and go to [https://monitor.mozilla.org monitor.mozilla.org]. #Click {button Get free scan} to initiate the search. #;[[Image:Get free scan]] #Select {button Start my free scan} #;[[Image:Start my free scan]] #Enter your information starting with your first name, middle name, last name, suffix, city and state, and date of birth. #;[[Image:Monitor scan data|width=400]] #Select the button {button Find exposures}. #;[[Image:Monitor Find exposures button|width=400]] #Confirm your details are correct. #;[[Image:Confirm data is correct|width=400]] #Scroll down to view the details of the breaches that could compromise your online accounts. Now that you're aware of the breaches involving your online accounts, check [[Resolve breaches with Mozilla Monitor]] to learn how to take proactive actions and mitigate the damage that could come from them. =Related Content= *[[Resolve breaches with Mozilla Monitor]] *[[What to do after a data breach]] *[[Mozilla Monitor - Frequently asked questions]] ==Learn more== *See also [[Firefox Password Manager - Alerts for breached websites]] about alerts in Firefox for saved logins and passwords exposed in known data breaches.
Mozilla Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak. Using the [https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Have I Been Pwned] database, Mozilla Monitor keeps track of known data breaches and notifies you if your online accounts are compromised, providing guidance on how to proactively protect yourself going forward. =Check if you've been part of a known breach= To see if your online accounts have been exposed in a data breach: #Open your web browser and go to [https://monitor.mozilla.org monitor.mozilla.org]. #Click {button Get free scan} to initiate the search. #;[[Image:Get free scan]] #Select {button Start my free scan} #;[[Image:Start my free scan]] #Enter your information starting with your first name, last name, city and state, and date of birth. #;[[Image:Enter your details]] #Select the button {button Find exposures}. #;[[Image:find exposures]] #Confirm your details are correct. #;[[Image:confirm details]] #Scroll down to view the details of the breaches that could compromise your online accounts. Now that you're aware of the breaches involving your online accounts, check [[Resolve breaches with Mozilla Monitor]] to learn how to take proactive actions and mitigate the damage that could come from them. =Related Content= *[[Resolve breaches with Mozilla Monitor]] *[[What to do after a data breach]] *[[Mozilla Monitor - Frequently asked questions]] ==Learn more== *See also [[Firefox Password Manager - Alerts for breached websites]] about alerts in Firefox for saved logins and passwords exposed in known data breaches.

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