Importing Safari data into Firefox

Firefox Firefox Naposledy aktualizovaný: 07/26/2023 26% používateľov považuje toto za užitočné
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Note: This article only applies to Mac.

Firefox allows you to easily and safely import data from other browsers, such as bookmarks, browsing history, and custom preferences.

"Full Disk Access" is required on macOS 10.14 Mojave (bug 1493103).

Start the Import process

Click File in Menu bar at the top of the screen and select Import from Another Browser….

Import from Firefox Settings

Starting in Firefox version 113, you can also import your Safari bookmarks and other data from the Firefox Settings panel:

  1. In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click Firefox and then select Preferences or Settings, depending on your macOS version.Click the menu button Fx89menuButton and select Settings.
  2. In the General panel to the left, click on Import Data under the Import browser data section.
    Import data from Firefox settings

The Import Wizard will open.

Choose data and complete the import

  1. In the Import Wizard window that appears, select the Safari profile and the data you wish to import from Safari and click import.
    Safari 1
  2. Follow the prompts on-screen to import bookmarks, browsing history and passwords
    Safari 2
    Safari 3
  3. All set! Click Done to wrap up the import.
    Safari 4

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