Send files to anyone securely with Firefox Send

Firefox Send Firefox Send Naposledy aktualizovaný: 10/24/2023 42% používateľov považuje toto za užitočné
Tento článok zatiaľ nikto nepreložil. Ak máte s prekladmi na SUMO skúsenosti, môžete ho teraz preložiť. Ak by ste sa chceli dozvedieť, ako sa články na SUMO prekladajú, začnite prosím tu.
Firefox Send has been decommissioned on September 17, 2020. See What happened to Firefox Send?.

Firefox Send with file encryption and password protection lets you send files (1GB to 2.5GB) safely and securely. When you upload a file, Firefox Send generates a link you can share with your recipient. You also have the option to set a password and change the expiration settings for extra security. Your files are not saved to the cloud -- they belong only to you.

Send files

  1. Click the Mozilla account icon in the toolbar.

    syncavatar logged out
  2. Click Firefox Send.
  3. Click Select files to upload and select the files you want to send.
  4. Set an expiration and password (optional) for your files. By default, the link will expire after one download or one day.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Copy the link and send to your recipient.
  1. Visit
  2. Click Select files to upload and select the files you want to send.
  3. Set an expiration and password (optional) for your files. By default, the link will expire after one download or one day.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. Copy the link and send to your recipient.

Receive files

You don't need a Mozilla account or even Firefox to receive files using Firefox Send.

  1. Click the link to download the files.
  2. Enter a password if required.
  3. Click the Download button.
Tip! Sign up for a free Mozilla account to send even larger files.

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