Compact mode workaround in Firefox

Firefox Firefox Përditësuar së fundmi: 06/06/2022 84% e përdoruesve e kanë votuar këtë si të dobishëm
Askush nuk ka ndihmuar ende të përkthehet ky artikull. Nëse dini tashmë si funksionon përkthimi i artikujve të SUMO-s, filloni të përktheni që tani. Nëse doni të mësoni se si të përktheni artikuj për SUMO-n, ju lutemi, filloni nga këtu.
Compact mode is not currently supported. For the recommended and supported experience, we encourage you to keep the normal density setting.

Starting with Firefox version 89, the compact mode density option was removed from the Customize panel but you can still activate it in the Configuration Editor (about:config page).

Warning: Changing advanced preferences can affect Firefox's stability and security. This is recommended for advanced users only.

  1. Type about:config in the address bar and press EnterReturn.
    A warning page may appear. Click Accept the Risk and Continue to go to the about:config page.
  2. Find the preference.
  3. Switch the toggle to true and then close the tab.
  4. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel.
  5. Click More tools.
  6. Choose Customize toolbar….
  7. At the bottom of the panel, click Density.
  8. Choose Compact (not supported) from the menu options.
  9. Click Done.

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